Åbo Akademi
129 795 euro
Åbo Akademis del av budgeten
38 938 euro (30%)
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Business Turku and Åbo Akademi University’s ULLEVI project (New Business from Storage of Heat) responds to the transformation of energy production and consumption by producing new knowledge, solutions, business opportunities and innovations through the development, deployment and joint use of demonstration, research, piloting and learning environments for thermal energy storage. As a result of the project, expertise in energy storage will be enhanced and more experts will be brought to the field, the efficiency, reliability and credibility of carbon-neutral solutions will increase, system integration will improve, companies’ business opportunities, network connections and cooperation between different actors will increase. The project supports sustainable growth, renewal and internationalisation of SMEs. The results of the project will contribute to climate change mitigation and a more resilient, self-sufficient and secure business life in Southwest Finland, which at the same time supports the European Union’s need to dramatically reduce its dependence on energy imported from outside the EU. The ULLEVI project responds to the ”Carbon-neutral Finland 2035 – National Climate and Energy Strategy”, especially with regard to the development of the heating market, utilisation of waste heat (incl. district heating networks), research, innovation and competitiveness, and the development of security of supply and supply. Finland’s carbon neutrality target implies switching to solutions that rely on electricity also in the heating sector.

Kontakta oss
Henrik Saxén (Ansvarig forskare)
Laboratoriet för process- och systemteknik
Tfn +358 405443301
Mikko Helle (Ansvarig forskare)
Äldre universitetslektor
i process- och systemteknik
Laboratoriet för process- och systemteknik
Tfn +358 405484588
Carl Haikarainen (Ansvarig forskare)
Laboratoriet för process- och systemteknik