Jean Claude Mutiganda
University teacher in accounting, Åbo Akademi University
Nobody stagnates at Åbo Akademi University. This is the place of sustainable self improvement for a better professional life.
Why is Åbo Akademi a perfect place for study, research and work?
My personal testimony is that Åbo Akademi University takes good care of minorities, probably better than elsewhere, and offers opportunities to everyone to self-improve him/herself in accordance with his/her well motivated expectations. All is based on individual initiatives as long as possible.
Åbo Akademi University as a legal person (or organisation) speaks one language, that is, the language of mutual understanding at all levels. The leadership seeks to hear opinions and wishes of the personnel and students and pays careful attention to them in decision making, implementation and follow-up.
Nobody stagnates at Åbo Akademi University. This is the place of sustainable self improvement for a better professional life.