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Wasa zero emission data centre

Wasa zero emission data centre




1 900 000 euro

Åbo Akademis del av budgeten

480 000 euro (25%)

Wasa Zero Emission Data Center is a new local infrastructure to be established in the research and development laboratoryTechnobothnia, co-owned by three universities, the University of Vaasa, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and Novia University ofApplied Sciences. It facilitates excellent science by providing an infrastructure for research on how to build, run, control, integrate andoperate flexible low-power data centers, with the aim of providing pathways to zero emission data centers. The data center infrastructurewill be an important for the advancement of knowledge and technology in this field and will further support the regional specialization inthe Vaasa region. Especially important is to provide a platform for small-scale innovation provided by local startups in the energy sector.The center also forms a strong network with the global energy technology companies and development activities locally andinternationally, serving the users from academia, business, industry, and public services. By designing new processes and solutions for theuse of renewable energy supplies, and by optimizing existing infrastructure, the proposed RDI actions helps decouple reliance on finiteresources and promotes the green transition.

Kontakta oss

Jerker Björkqvist (Ansvarig forskare)


i datateknik


Fakulteten för naturvetenskaper och teknik

Andreas Lundell

Biträdande professor (tenure track, nivå 2) 

i informationsteknologi


Fakulteten för naturvetenskaper och teknik

Stefan Backlund



Fakulteten för naturvetenskaper och teknik
Till projektsidan i Åbo Akademis forskningsportal