University of Southern Denmark
8 874 298 euro
Åbo Akademis del av budgeten
280 496 euro (3%)
MISSION” is “MaritIme juSt in time optimiSatION” and will provide, for existing and new routes and services, a fully digitalized voyage and port call optimization system. It will enable transparency and collaboration among stakeholders in the maritime transportation network thus allowing to synchronize ship schedules, optimized ship operations, and port services with the main objective to enable energy efficiency and fuel consumption reductions of 10-20% and related GHG emissions as required by the current topic14 and supported by International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the Maritime Labour Convention. As a result, MISSION contributes significantly to the improvement of the climate and environmental footprint. MISSION is unique as it links existing systems with new technology ensuring interoperability by building on standards and agreed principles and providing analytics for accurate prediction of event time stamps within a port call. The MISSION tool enabling decision makers to orchestrate port traffic not only on the seaside, but also on the hinterland side digitizing and streamlining operations, communication, and related administrative tasks. Accordingly, it eliminates bottlenecks of the overall maritime supply chain and creates significant economic advantages for direct stakeholders and environmental benefits for the society.

Kontakta oss
Magnus Hellström (Ansvarig forskare)
i industriell ekonomi
Laboratoriet för industriell ekonomi
Tfn +358 407379980
Henrik Ringbom (Ansvarig forskare)
i havsjuridik
FSEJ Gemensamma
Tfn +358 504633904
Anastasia Tsvetkova
Biträdande professor (tenure track, nivå 2)
in Industrial Management and Engineering
Laboratoriet för industriell ekonomi
Yiran Chen Zhou
Laboratoriet för industriell ekonomi