Turku Science Park Ltd.
Övriga projektparter
686 810 euro
Åbo Akademis del av budgeten
269 520 euro (39%)
Recycling and reusing ceramic waste is a way forward into a circular economy. KERPUR-project explores new, more efficient ways to sort, recycle and reuse ceramic demolition waste.
Usually, a large quantity of the heterogenous demolition waste ends up in landfills. However, ceramic materials are highly processed compounds that could find new recycling applications. As traditional ceramics used in construction consists of compounds produced in high-temperature reactions, these energy-intensive materials are feasible as secondary raw materials to several products.
Work packages:
- Identification of new uses of ceramic waste and the quality requirements.
- Piloting new uses of the ceramic waste together with selected companies
- Carbon footprint of the pilot cases
- Conceptualization of a digital platform for the reuse of ceramic waste and evaluation of the value it brings to the value
- New business models
- Communication and information of the findings to target groups and internal communication between project partners.
Åbo Akademi participates in work packages 1-3 and 6.

Kontakta oss
Thomas Kronberg
Laboratoriet för molekylärvetenskap och teknik