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Biocenter Finland (HY)(Consortium Biocenter Finland) Person responsible Olli Silvennoinen

Biocenter Finland (HY)(Consortium Biocenter Finland) Person responsible Olli Silvennoinen




Helsingfors universitet


  • Åbo Akademi
  • Finansiär

  • Finlands Akademi (FIRI2023)
  • Biocenter Finland (BF) is a nationwide Life Science research infrastructure organization owned by six Finnish universities. BF coordinates 15 technology platforms comprising of 70 core facility units covering key technologies in Life Sciences, and provides open- access services to 17,000 academic, healthcare, and industry researchers across Finland. BF is widely considered an exemplar in coordination and strategic use of financial and human resources within a discipline. BF is applying for critical equipment and digital updates in six platforms to continue providing high-quality services for cutting-edge research in Life Sciences. These platforms cover areas in genomics, proteomics & metabolomics, bioimaging, digital pathology and gene transfer & cell therapy. These instruments are critical investments for the current research infrastructures to support the nation-wide network of services and provide access to cutting- edge technologies for innovative research.

    Kontakta oss

    Tiina Salminen


    i biokemi


    Fakulteten för naturvetenskaper och teknik
    Till projektsidan i Åbo Akademis forskningsportal