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Digital teknologi för att främja rättvisa i utbildningen- delta i nationell enkät

Hur kan man genom teknologi främja inklusion, jämlikhet och rättvisa i utbildningen? Det vill projektet Dig-In-Clusive ta reda på genom en enkät riktad till perrsoner verksamma inom skolvärlden. Enkäten är ett samarbete med organisationen Opetusalan ammattijärjestö, OAJ.

I sin enkät vill forskarna att de som svarar utgår utifrån sin egen bakgrund och erfarenhet. Det är helt frivilligt att delta och du kan vägra att delta i undersökningen eller avsluta enkäten utan att uppge någon anledning.
Undersökningen fokuserar på hur man kan använda teknologi för att främja inklusion, jämlikhet och rättvisa i utbildningen och den riktar sig till lärare på alla utbildningsnivåer förutom högskolor.

Respondenterna kan fritt avstå från att svara på en viss fråga som man av någon anledning inte vill besvara. Svaren kommer att anonymiseras genom att all personlig information stryks så att ingen enskild deltagare eller skola/läroinrättning kommer att kunna identifieras.

Resultaten kommer att ges ut i vetenskapliga publikationer.

Det tar omkring 25 minuter att fylla i enkäten:

Mera information på engelska:

Today, digital technologies and inclusive education are espoused as important tenets in teaching and learning. Digital technologies can promote teaching and learning and inclusive education ensures equal educational opportunity and equality of outcomes. However, the Covid-19 lockdown highlighted the digital inequalities within society and how that in turn impacted remote teaching and learning. The question remains whether and how digital technologies can be used to foster inclusive practices in schools. This project Digital Technologies and Inclusive Education (Dig-In-Clusive) seeks to address this research gap. The overarching aim of the project is to understand how digital technology, including games, is or can be used to foster teaching and learning. In particular, we are interested in how these tools can be used to foster the inclusion of all students, in teaching and learning, in all subjects in schools. The specific focuses of the project are:

• To gauge the current use of digital technologies in Finnish schools
• Understand how digital tools are used to foster inclusion and education equity in Finnish schools.
• Determine how digital technology fostered or inhibited teaching and learning during the Covid-19 lockdown.
• The role of digital games in teaching and learning, the kinds of training received by teachers and for what purposes digital games are used.

This innovative research seeks to push the boundaries of research on how digital technologies can be used to enhance universal access to education and ensure educational equity. Towards this aim, in the autumn of 2022, the team of researchers at the Åbo Akademi University are conducting a national survey that focuses on how digital technology can be used to foster inclusion and educational equity in schools. The survey is designed for teaching staff at all levels of education excluding higher education institutions.

Project group: 
Emmanuel Acquah, Associate Professor of Education with a focus on minority research, ÅAU
Anette Bengs, research project coordinator, Experience Lab, ÅAU
Matilda Ståhl, PhD in educational sciences, post-doctoral researcher at Experience Lab, ÅAU