Välkommen att delta i en gästföreläsning om Shetlandsöarna.
Biträdande professor i östudier (Islands studies) Andrew Jennings från University of Highlands and Islands, Storbritannien föreläser på engelska under rubriken Shetland ’Old Rock’ or ’Islands of Opportunity’? A historical and cultural overview of an Atlantic archipelago.
När? Onsdag 26.2.2025, kl. 14.00–15.00.
Var? Auditorium Kosmos, Arken, CLL, Fabriksgatan 2, Åbo.
Vad? Dr Andrew Jennings, University of Highlands and Islands: Shetland ’Old Rock’ or ’Islands of Opportunity’? A historical and cultural overview of an Atlantic archipelago.

Mera information på engelska:
The lecture is about an island and a culture far out in the sea, on the border between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. There are many connections between the Shetland Islands and the islands in the Baltic Sea, both in a present and historical perspective.
Andrew Jennings is an Associate Professor in Island Studies at the University of Highlands and Islands (UHI) on Shetland, UK. His is part of both the Institute for Northern Studies, and the Centre for Island Creativity. Andrew is the head of the UHI Island Hub and the lead on the Thematic Network on Northern and Arctic Island Studies Research.
Andrew has a particular research interest in the Early Medieval History of the Scottish Islands, with an emphasis on placenames and the Vikings. He wrote his PhD on ’Gael and Norse in Western Scotland c.795 to c.1000’. His other research interests include Island Studies, with a particular focus on the islands of the North Atlantic and the Baltic, the history of the North Atlantic between the years 500-1200, Norse Mythology, Folklore of the Northern Isles, Gaelic Culture, and the history of Shetland.