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Religion and Social Exclusion: A Cross-Cultural Approach and New Methodology

Religion and Social Exclusion: A Cross-Cultural Approach and New Methodology




  • Stiftelsen för Åbo Akademi sr
  • Budget

    1 450 000 euro

    Åbo Akademis del av budgeten

    1 450 000 euro (100%)

    RELEX, an internal centre of excellence in research, investigates how socially excluded people view and relate to religion on a cross-cultural scale using a new mixed-methods framework specifically developed for this purpose. Research is conducted in Ghana, Finland, India, and Peru. In each context, our empirical research focuses on the religious views of persons subjected to three particular forms of social exclusion related to: 1) imprisonment; 2) ethnic minority position; and 3) identification as LGBTQI+.

    Kontakta oss

    Peter Nynäs (Ansvarig forskare)


    FHPT Gemensamma

    Fakulteten för humaniora, psykologi och teologi

    Marcus Moberg


    i religionsvetenskap

    Teologi och religionsvetenskap

    Fakulteten för humaniora, psykologi och teologi
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