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Subjects of study

Subjects of study

Skärgårdsbild, hav och land.

Environmental and Marine Biology

We are living in a continually changing environment, with the changes largely caused by human activity and lifestyles.

Blomma med frost och snö på sig.

Environmental Education, teacher training (minor subject)

Environmental Education aims at learning for sustainable development.

En studerande sitter läsande vid ett fönster.

EU-Studies (minor subject)

European Studies is a minor subject based on a collaboration with the University of Turku. Why European Studies? ...

Kyrkofönster i många olika färger.

Exegetics and Judaic Studies

The writings of the Old Testament are common to both Christianity and Judaism and have shaped Western society. Students of Exegetics can choose to specialise in Old Testament Exegetics, New Testament Exegetics or Judaic Studies.

Finskt julfrimärke från 2015.

Finnish Language

Finnish is, in many ways, a unique and interesting language to study, even seen from an international perspective.

Finnish, teacher training (minor subject)

Finnish Language is offered as a short minor subject (25 cr) for class teacher students.

Tuschtavla med franska ord.

French Language and Literature

As a world language, French is the official language in 29 countries and is spoken by 279 million people all over the world.

Pärmbild på tidskriften Astra.

Gender Studies

Despite anti-discrimination legislature and policies, our society is still not free of inequalities in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, language, religion, health status, ability level, sexual orientation, age, and body size.

Medeltida marknad på Åbo gamla stortorg.

General History

Historical and global perspectives help us understand the phenomena we see in society today.

Två studerande på trappan till Academill.

General Pedagogy

Pedagogical skills are needed in multiple aspects of working life. By studying General Pedagogy, you will become a pedagogical specialist in working life and gain broad expertise in the field of education.

Bergsstrand i skärgården.


We have only one planet and its resources must be enough for all of us. Students of Geology and Mineralogy will learn  about the Earth as a dynamic, constantly changing system, which first came into being 4,565 million years ago.

Huvudämnet tyska.

German Language and Literature

Students of German Language and Literature will become experts in language and culture, both in a contemporary and historical context.