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Finnish Language

Finnish Language

Major subject – Finnish Language

Finnish is, in many ways, a unique and interesting language to study, even seen from an international perspective. Studies in Finnish Language will provide you with extensive knowledge of the language structure and variations as well as language research theories, methods and their possible applications. You will also learn the fundamental linguistic concepts in Fennistics and gain insights into Finnish fiction and the factors that have had the biggest impact on the evolution of the Finnish language. Studies in Finnish Language will also provide you with practical skills in Finnish to serve you in a variety of contexts. During your first year of study, you will gain a familiarity with key concepts in phonology, morphology, syntax and linguistic norms, along with an introduction to Finnish fiction.

As a Finnish Language student, you will choose either general studies, the study line for subject teachers or specialisation in language and economics. Students in the study line for subject teachers will study pedagogy as their long minor. Students specialising in language and economics will specialise in the social use of language and economic jargon, and take Business Administration as their minor subject. Finnish Language can also be studied as a minor subject.


Visiting address

Tehtaankatu 2
