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Centre for Lifelong Learning

Centre for Lifelong Learning

The Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) at Åbo Akademi University has always maintained close contact and worked in close co-operation with society at large. Co-operation with various sectors in society is done through comprehensive project activity. At CLL, you will find expertise in productisation, sales and price setting for various target groups as well as project administration and the mobilisation of external funding. Activities are characterised by innovative thinking and flexible approaches to work.

CLL is the largest provider of adult education in all of Swedish Finland. CLL’s clientele includes private persons, authorities, the public sector and businesses. Feel free to get in touch to discuss co-operation!

Most of our activities take place in Swedish, which means that also most of the information about us is found on our Swedish web pages. The links below takes you to pages that we update also in English.

The Centre for Lifelong Learning at Åbo Akademi University


Contact us: cll@abo.fi

The unit in Turku (map)

Tehtaankatu 2
20500 TURKU

The unit in Vaasa (map)

Rantakatu 2
65100 VAASA

Janne Roslöf, Director of CLL / head of the unit in Vaasa
Phone +358 50 560 3956

Catharina Groop, Deputy Director of CLL / head of the unit in Turku
Phone +358 2 215 3762