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JOO Flexible Study Right

JOO Flexible Study Right

JOO flexible study right regards the opportunity for graduate and post-graduate students of Finnish universities to include courses or minor subjects from other Finnish universities into their degrees.

The flexible study right gives you the opportunity:

  • to include suitable courses or minor subjects from other universities into your degree
    to have the benefit of experts and specialties at other universities

In order for you to be granted a JOO flexible study right you need to already have a study right at a Finnish university or university of applied sciences, and be enrolled as present for the academic year. You cannot be granted a JOO study right for the whole year, if you are enrolled only for the autumn- or spring semester.

Student access to the JOOPAS-portal ended by 31.12.2021

The JOOPAS-portal closed 31 December 2021 following a joint national decision between the Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences. Via the links to the right you find instructions on how to apply for JOO study right until the new system with Cross-Institutional Studies is ready for use.

Updated 17.8.2022