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Open University courses in English

Open University courses in English

During the academic year 2024-2025 the Open University at Åbo Akademi University offers courses in English in the following subjects.

Animal Law
Gender Studies
Intercultural Communication
Language and Communication
Minority Studies
Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Social Policy
Study of Religions
Sustainability Studies
Welfare Technology

Here you can find our Swedish course selection 2024-2025.

You can start registering for courses starting in August and September 2024 on 12 August 2024 at 8:00 (CET+1). Check the courses here.
Course enrollment to courses that begin in October-December opens 9.9.2024 at 8:00 in our new payment module / web shop. The direct link to each course registration will be added on the subject pages by each course.

Updated 2.9.2024