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Gender Studies

Gender Studies

Despite anti-discrimination legislature and policies, our society is still not free of inequalities in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, language, religion, health status, ability level, sexual orientation, age, and body size. Gender Studies challenges deeply normalized power structures and fixed patterns of thinking, providing tools to understand how these structures and patterns work and how they can be dismantled, at local as well as global levels. The subject offers insights into a variety of societal and cultural phenomena and teaches critical, creative, analytical thinking around questions of marginalization and empowerment.

Link to our Swedish courses in Gender Studies.

The fees for open university courses

From August 1, 2024, Åbo Akademi University will implement a pricing system for its Open University courses based on the number of study credits. The pricing structure will be as follows:

  • Basic Studies (and other introductory courses): €12 per credit.
  • Intermediate Studies and Advanced Studies: €15 per credit.

Degree students at Åbo Akademi University are exempted from the course fee.

To read more about course content and times, click on the correct course version in the Study Guide.


Body, Gender, Environment (5 ECTS),online course with distance teaching.

Read more about course content and -times in the Study Guide.
Time: Course is cancelled.
Price: 60€
Teacher: MA Anastasia Khodyrev.

Doing Critical Disability Studies and Practicing Antiableisms (5 ECTS), online course with distance teaching.

Read more about course content and -times in the Study Guide.
Time: 25.9–12.12.2024, lectures on Zoom, Wednesdays 17.00-18.30.
Price: 60€
Teacher: MA Anastasia Khodyreva
Enrolment 12.8–18.9.2024.
Link to enrolment.

#Feminism – Studying social media from a feminist perspective (5 ECTS), online course.

Read more about course content and -times in the Study Guide.
Time: 8.10–26.11.2024.
Price: 60€
Teacher: PhD Kaisu Hynnä-Granberg.
Enrolment 9.9–1.10.2024.
No prerequisites.
Link to enrolment.

Link to our Swedish courses in Gender Studies.

The fees for open university courses

From August 1, 2024, Åbo Akademi University will implement a pricing system for its Open University courses based on the number of study credits. The pricing structure will be as follows:

  • Basic Studies (and other introductory courses): €12 per credit.
  • Intermediate Studies and Advanced Studies: €15 per credit.

Degree students at Åbo Akademi University are exempted from the course fee.

To read more about course content and times, click on the correct course version in the Study Guide.


Dialoguess of Arts and Feminisms (5 ECTS), online course with distance teaching.

Read more about course content and -times in the Study Guide.
Time: 28.1-8.4.2025, lectures on zoom Tuesdays 17.00-18.30.
Price: 60€
Teacher: MA, Anastasia Khodyreva.
Enrolment 18.11–21.1.2025.

Link to registration will be added here at the beginning of November.

Humina, Katarina

Education Planner
Fabriksgatan 2, 20500 ÅBO
+3582 215 4540

More information about Gender Studies as a major subject at Åbo Akademi University