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Doctoral Programme in Education

Doctoral Programme in Education

The following major subjects are included in the Doctoral Programme in Education:


Special criteria for admission to the Doctoral Programme in Education

In addition to the general criteria for admission to a doctoral programme at Åbo Akademi University, you are required to have completed studies in education (min. 60 credits) within your degree or in addition to it.

The doctoral programme steering committee reviews the application with respect to the scientific quality, timeliness and originality of the research plan, the relevance of the supervision and study agreement, and the prerequisites for realising the plan.

The research plan should be written according to the instructions in the individual study plan (ISP). You will find the ISP and further information at Apply for Doctoral Studies.


Study plan for the Doctoral Programme in Education

The Doctoral degree includes:

  • Compulsory courses (20 credits)
  • Other studies for specialisation according to research area (20 credits)
  • Doctoral dissertation (thesis)

If you choose to complete your Licentiate degree, this includes:

  • Compulsory courses (20 credits)
  • Other studies for specialisation according to research area (20 credits)
  • Licentiate thesis

A Doctoral degree taken after a Licentiate degree only includes a Doctoral dissertation (thesis).

In the individual study paln (ISP), you must state the year in which you plan to complete your degree. The estimated time needed for a doctoral degree (full-time studies) amounts to 3-4 years. If you deviate from this schedule, you must provide an explanation for doing so.


Studies in the Doctoral Programme in Education

Compulsory courses (20 credits)
  • The philosophy and theory of educational sciences (5 credits)
  • Quantitative research methodology and method (5 credits)
  • Qualtitative research methodology and method (5 credits)
  • Public seminars (5 credits)

The courses include campus-based seminars every month from September to December and February to May.

The courses are held in Swedish. If you don’t have knowledge in Swedish, you need to discuss alternative studies with your supervisor-to-be before applying to the doctoral programme.

Other studies (20 credits) The course content is decided upon together with the supervisor. Studies may include advanced courses, seminars, conference presentations, etc.

Updated 22.1.2025