Environmental- and marinebiology is situated in three places: in Turku, the Åland Islands, and Korpo.
In Turku we are located in Aurum (Henriksgatan 2) – a modern science building shared with the University of Turku. The building has facilities for both teaching and research as well as a restaurant and a gym.

Husö Biological Station
Husö Biological Station (see homepage) is Åbo Akademi University’s research station, located on Bergö in Finström municipality at the Åland Islands. The station is part of Environmental and Marine Biology and mainly conducts aquatic research and teaching. Some terrestrial research is also conducted. The station has modern research facilities and equipment for experimental aquatic ecology, laboratory analyzes of common water parameters and biological samples, as well as for field studies in coastal sea areas and lakes. Annually 3-4 field courses are arranged for biology students. Through the cooperation with the Government of the Åland Islands, regional environmental monitoring and research emphasising water quality is carried out at the Husö Biological Station and around Åland. The station has one full-time employed Head of the station and a Station manager. During the field season (April-October) about 10-20 researchers and students work at the station. Husö Biological Station is part of the network for Finnish Research Stations and the Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure FINMARI.

Archipelago Centre Korpoström
Archipelago Centre Korpoström (see homepage) is located on the island of Korpo SW of Turku. Korpoström is a centre for art, culture and science, and function since 2005 as a marine research base in the Archipelago Sea for Åbo Akademi University. The centre is equipped with modern research laboratories, an outdoor aquarium facility with wave tanks, an outdoor mesocosm facility, a temperature controllea small diving centre, offices, boats and an outreach lab for school children. Environmental and marine biology is through different research activities and projects engaged in both basic and applied research serving both the scientific community and society. Through these activities, Environmental and marine biology also fulfils its role as a key partner within the regional UNESCO Biosphere Reserve organization. The experimental equipment is partly funded by the Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure network FINMARI.