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Strategic Research Profiles at Åbo Akademi University

Strategic Research Profiles at Åbo Akademi University

Åbo Akademi University focuses its research on four strategic themes:

Technologies for a Sustainable Future (earlier name: Molecular Process and Material Technology), focusing on chemical engineering and material aspects in the bioeconomy.

Solutions for Health (earlier name: Drug Development and Diagnostics), focusing on bioimaging, functional materials, health economics, IT in health and targeted therapies and diagnostics​.

Minority Research, interdisciplinary research on the complexities involved in the production and construction of minority positions, identities, and rights.

The Sea, towards a living lab for marine and maritime research – society, nature, and technology.

These four strategic research themes direct Åbo Akademi University towards a set of pathways that provides for aspirations and inspire actions towards important contributions to societal issues.

Updated 17.1.2023