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The sustainability work of Åbo Akademi University is on display in Turku’s new climate campaign

Åbo Akademi University is participating in the City of Turku’s Climate Changemakers (Ilmastonmuuttajat) campaign, which aims to highlight the extensive climate work going on in the city.

The campaign features people from companies and organisations who are working to achieve the city’s carbon neutrality goal by 2029, when Turku celebrates its 800th anniversary.

By giving a face to local climate action, the campaign aims to inspire more people to make climate-friendly choices in their everyday lives.

Henrik Grénman
In addition to my research, I also have the privilege of teaching the climate scientists of the future. This is a rapidly growing field, and we will need many new experts in the coming decades, says Henrik Grénman Photo: Heikki Räisänen

One of the campaign’s profiles is on Henrik Grénman, Professor in Chemical Process Intensification at Åbo Akademi University.

Grénman’s research focuses on ways to replace fossil raw materials with sustainable alternatives. This could include further developing lignin from wood into components suitable for advanced materials, producing carbon-free steel, or converting carbon dioxide into synthetic natural gas to store renewable energy. This work is done in close collaboration with other research organisations and companies.

“In addition to my research, I also have the privilege of teaching the climate changemakers of the future. This is a rapidly growing field, and we will need many new experts in the coming decades,” says Henrik Grénman.

What is your vision of a carbon-neutral Turku in 2029?

“I imagine a Turku where new buildings are built with sustainably produced materials, where the food we eat is grown in the region and fertilised with locally produced hydrogen economy-based fertilisers. Food is packaged in biodegradable packaging. Travel from the airport and ports is done with 100 per cent sustainable fuels produced in Finland. The growing urban area is driving the green transition, which is anchored in strong regional expertise,” Grénman envisions.

Åbo Akademi University is a partner in the climate cooperation of the City of Turku

Åbo Akademi University is a partner in the Turku Climate City Contract, which brings together the region’s universities, large companies and other actors committed to the city’s climate objectives.

In its 2030 strategy, Åbo Akademi University emphasises sustainable development as a guiding principle in several aspects. The university aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 and bases its activities on both UniFi’s sustainability theses and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Research at Åbo Akademi University is focused on solving important sustainability challenges, for example through the research profile Technologies for a Sustainable Future, which seeks technological solutions to slow down climate change and create a cleaner, more sustainable society, as well as the research profile The Sea, which develops sustainable solutions to enable coexistence between maritime life and modern society.

The Climate Changemakers campaign will be visible on the streets of Turku, on social media and on the city’s renewed website during February. Learn more about the campaign!