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Edvard Westermarck’s Archives

Edvard Westermarck’s Archives

The sociologist, anthropologist and philosopher Edvard* Westermarck (18621939) left a large collection of letters, manuscripts, notes, and photographs, which are kept at the Archive Collections at Åbo Akademi University Library. Westermarck’s archives are inscribed in the national UNESCO Memory of the World register since 2021.

Westermarck was one of the first Finnish researchers who built an international career. He is known for his research on marriage, morality, and sexuality, as well as his extensive fieldwork in Morocco. Westermarck was a teacher at London School of Economics 19031907 and Professor of Sociology 19071930. He was also Professor of Practical Philosophy at Helsinki University 19061918, and Professor in Philosophy at Åbo Akademi University 19181932. Westermarck served as Rector of the newly established Åbo Akademi University 19181932.

Edvard Westermarck in Morocco on a white horse. Abdessalam el Bakkali to the left.
Edvard Westermarck in Morocco on a white horse. Abdessalam el Bakkali to the left. Åbo Akademi Picture Collections.

The archives hold Westermarck’s correspondence with some of the most prominent anthropologists and other international scientists of the time. His most renowned Finnish students were the social anthropologists Hilma Granqvist, Rafael Karsten, and Gunnar Landtman. Internationally most renowned was Bronisław Malinowski from Poland. Westermarck also corresponded with activists such as Agnes Dawson and J. N. Reuter. In addition, the collection holds a large number of letters from friends and family, among others letters to and from his sister, the writer and artist, Helena Westermarck.

Edvard Westermarck conducted extensive fieldwork in Morocco and lived in the country for several years. Photography was one of the methods of documentation he used in his research, and this unique image material is also part of the Archive Collections at Åbo Akademi University Library. The manuscripts of Westermarck’s books are also included in the archives, as well as drafts for various speeches and lectures. During his fieldwork, Westermarck also did some research into the Arabic and Amazigh (“Berber”) languages. The archives hold this language material, as well as texts written by Westermarck’s research assistant in Morocco, Sidi Abdessalam el Bakkali.

Materials from the archives can be ordered and read at the Book Tower at Åbo Akademi University Library. See “Contacts” for detailed information.

*Edvard is also sometimes spelled Edward.

Unesco Memory of the World.

1888 ”Om menniskorasernas uppkomst.” Geografiska Föreningens Tidskrift 1 (1): 10–25. 

1889a The History of Human Marriage. Part I. The Origin of Human marriage. Helsingfors: Frenckell & Son.  

1889b ”Om menniskorasernas blandning.” Geografiska Föreningens Tidskrift 1 (3): 65–77. 

1890a ”Om förbudet mot äktenskap mellan släktingar: Förbudets allmängiltighet.” Geografiska Föreningens Tidskrift 2 (1): 43–48.   

1890b ”Om förbudet mot äktenskap mellan släktingar: Kritik af tidigare hypoteser rörande uppkomsten af detta förbud.” Geografiska Föreningens Tidskrift 2 (1): 48–55. 

1890c ”Om förbudet mot äktenskap mellan släktingar: Dess sannolika ursprung.” Geografiska Föreningens Tidskrift 2 (1): 140–153. 

1891a The History of Human Marriage. London: Macmillan and Co. 

1891b ”Selektionsteorin och dess betydelse för vetenskaperna om det fysiska, psykiska och sociala lifvet.” Album utgifvet af Nyländingar 10: 218–240. Helsingfors: Waseniuska Bokhandeln.   

1891c ”En sommar på Shetland.” Geografiska Föreningens Tidskrift 3 (6): 285–301.  

1892 ”Professor Reins kritik af den monoteistiska själsteorin.” Finsk Tidskrift 32 (1): 33–41.  

1895 ”Le mariage par capture et le marriage par achat.” Revue Internationale de Sociologie 3 (1): 23–35.  

1896a ”Le matriarcat.” Annales de l’Institut International de Sociologie: 114–151. Paris: V. Girard & E. Brière. 

1896b ”Sinnesrörelserna och dess kroppsliga uttryck.” Finsk Tidskrift 40 (5): 338–353.  

1897a ”Méthode pour la recherche des institutions préhistoriques à propos d’un ouvrage du professeur Kohler.” Revue Internationale de Sociologie 5 (6): 444–457. 

1897b ”Normative und Psychologische Ethik.” Dritter Internationaler Kongress für Psychologie: 428–431. München: Verlag von J.F. Lehmann.  

1897c ”Den sociala utvecklingen enligt Benjamin Kidd.” Finsk Tidskrift 42 (2): 114–134.  

1898 “The Essence of Revenge.” Mind N.S. 7 (27): 289–310. 

1899 “The Nature of the Arab Ğinn, illustrated by the present beliefs of the people of Morocco.” Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain 29: 252–269.  

1900 “Remarks on the Predicates of Moral Judgements.” Mind N.S. 9 (34): 184–204. 

1904a ”Herbert Spencer.” Finsk Tidskrift 56 (1): 36–49.  

1904b “Remarks on the Subjects of Moral Judgements.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, N.S. 4 (1903–04): 111–126. London: Williams and Norgate. 

1904c Seven Lectures on Early Custom and Morals. London: Chiswick Press. 

1904d Syllabus of a course of ten lectures on anthropology with special emphasis on the way savages and primitive people think and feel. London: W. Bishop.   

1905a “The Position of Women in Early Civilisation.” Sociological Papers: 147–160. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1905b ”Religion och magi.” Euterpe 3–4: 21–19.  

1906a The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, vol I. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1906b “Discussion of Francis Galton, ‘Eugenics’.” I: Sociological Papers, vol. 2: 23–25.  

1906c “Discussion of Harald Høffding, ‘On the Relationship Between Sociology and Ethics’.” Sociological Papers, vol. 2: 191–192. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1907a “L’ʿÂr, or on the Transference of Conditional Curses in Morocco.” Anthropological Essays Presented to Edward Burnett Tylor in Honour of His 75th Birthday: 361–374. Oxford: Clarendon Press.  

1907b ”Kristendom och moral. Några ord om den kristna kyrkans inflytande på moralen.” Studentföreningen Verdandis småskrifter 148. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag. 

1907c ”Moral och kristendom. Ett bidrag till frågan om beviljandet af fullständig trosfrihet.” Prometheus’ småskrifter 1. Helsingfors: J. Simelii. 

1907d ”Religion och magi.” Studentföreningen Verdandis småskrifter 149. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag. 

1908a ”Homosexualität.” Sexual-Problem 4: 248–279. 

1908b The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, vol. 2. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1908c Sociology as a University Study. Inauguration of the Martin White Professorships of Sociology. London: John Murray. 

1909 Sexualfragen. Översatt av Leopold Katscher. Leipzig: Verlag von Dr. Werner Klinkhardt.  

1910a “L’amour homosexual.” Archives d’anthropologie criminelle de médicine légale et de psychologie normale et pathologique 25 (196): 295–305. 

1910b ”L’amour homosexual.” Archives d’anthropologie criminelle de médicine légale et de psychologie normale et pathologique 25 (197): 53–375. 

1910c ”Om helighetsbegreppet i den marockanska folktron.” Skrifter utgifna af Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland 91: Förhandlingar och uppsatser 23 (1909): 1–19. Helsingfors: Tidnings- och Tryckeri-Aktiebolagets Tryckeri. 

1911a “Some remarks on the relations between magic and religion.” The R.P.A. Annual and Ethical Review: 11–20. London: Watts & Co. 

1911b ”Totemism and Exogamy.” Folk-Lore 22 (1): 81–91.  

1912 Ur sedernas historia. Helsingfors: Söderström & Co. 

1913a “Ceremonies and beliefs connected with agriculture, certain dates of the solar year, and the weather in Morocco.Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar 54: B: 1 (1911–12). Helsingfors: Helsingfors Centraltryckeri och Bokbinderi Aktiebolag. 

1913b Tapojen historiaa. Kuusi akadeemista esitelmää pitänyt Turussa. Översatt av Joel Lehtonen. Helsinki: Kustannusyhtiö Otava. 

1914a Marriage Ceremonies in Morocco. London: Macmillan and Co. 

1914b “Nomina im Status Absolutus und Status Annexus in der Südmarokkanischen Berbersprache.” Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar 56: B:3. Helsingfors: Akademiska Bokhandeln. 

1916a Moralens uppkomst och utveckling. Svensk upplaga av Edvard Westermarck. Stockholm: P.A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag.  

1916b “The Moorish Conception of Holiness (baraka).” Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar 58: B: 1 (1915–16). Helsingfors: Helsingfors Centraltryckeri och Bokbinderi Aktiebolag. 

1918 Sex år i Marocko. Reseskildringar. Helsingfors: Holger Schildts Förlag. 

1919 ”Thiodolf Rein.” Finsk Tidskrift 87: 351–354.  

1920 “The belief in spirits in Morocco.” Acta Academiae Aboensis Humaniora 1, no. 1. Åbo: Åbo Akademi. 

1921a The History of Human Marriage. Vol. 1. 5th ed. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1921b The History of Human Marriage. Vol. 2. 5th ed. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1921c The History of Human Marriage. Vol. 3. 5th ed. London: Macmillan & Co.  

1921d “The Origin of Sexual Modesty.” The British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology, vol. 8. London: J.E. Francis.  

1923 ”Harald Høffding 80 år.” Åbo Underrättelser, 11.3.1923: 3.  

1925 ”Studieresor i ungdomen.” K.D.F. [Festskrift utgiven av Nylänningar]: 26–30. Helsingfors. 

1926a “The Goodness of Gods.” The Forum Series, vol. 4. London: Watts & Co.  

1926b Ritual and Belief in Morocco. Vol. 1. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1926c Ritual and Belief in Morocco. Vol. 2. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1926d A Short History of Marriage. London: Macmillan & Co.  

1927 Minnen ur mitt liv. Helsingfors: Holger Schildts Förlag. 

1928a “Beliefs Relating to Sexual Matters in Morocco.” Verhandlungen des 1. Internationalen Kongresse für Sexualforschung, 5. Band: 163–169. Berlin: A. Marcus & E. Weber. 

1928b “On the Study of Popular Sayings.” Nature 122 (3079): 701–703.  

1929a Marriage. London: Benn’s Sixpenny Library.  

1929b Memories of My Life. Översatt av Anna Barwell. London: George Allen & Unwin. 

1930 Wit and Wisdom in Morocco: A Study of Native Proverbs. With the assistance of Shereef `Abd-es-salam el-Baqqali. London: George Routledge & Sons. 

1931 “Blodshämnd bland marockanska berber.” Acta Academiae Aboensis Humaniora 7 (9): 3–12.  

1932a Early Beliefs and Their Social Influence. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1932b  Ethical Relativity. International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. 

1932c ”Den moraliska intuitionen.” Finsk Tidskrift 112 (4): 263–276. 

1932d “The Study of Popular Sayings.” The Frazer Lectures 1922–32. Warren R. Dawson (ed.): 190–211.  

1933 Pagan Survivals in Mohammedan Civilisation. London: Macmillan & Co. 

1934a “The Bloodfeud Among Some Berbers in Morocco.” Essays presented to C.G. Seligman: 361–368. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.  

1934b “The Foundation of Marriage.” The Rationalist Annual: 15–20. London: Rationalist Press Association. 

1934c ”Freuds teori om Oedipuskomplexen i sociologisk belysning.” Vetenskap och bildning, vol. 45. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag. 

1934d Three Essays on Sex and Marriage. London: Macmillan & Co.  

1935 ”Den moraliska intuitionen.” Theoria 1 (1): 1–31. 

1936a The Future of Marriage in Western Civilisation. London: Macmillan & Co.  

1936b “Methods in Social Anthropology.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 66: 223–248.  

1936c “On Primitive Marriage: A Rejoinder to Mr. Calverton.”  American Journal of Sociology 41 (5): 565–584.  

1936d Äktenskapets framtid i västerlandet. Stockholm: Bonnier.  

1937 “Forward” in The Wandering Spirit: A Study of Human Migration. London: Macmillan. 

1938a “Introduction to the Proverbs of Morocco.” Racial Proverbs: A Selection of the World’s Proverbs Arranged Linguistically, lxxvi-lxxix. Selwyn Gurney Champion (ed.). New York: The Macmillan Company. 

1938b “Sex and Society. [Review of Havelock Ellis, Sex in Relation to Society.]” Nature 141 (3578): 950-952. 

1939 Christianity and Morals. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.  

1947 “Customs Connected with Homicide in Morocco.” Transactions of the Westermarck Society 1: 7–38. Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard. 

1949 Etisk Relativism. Helsingfors: Söderström & Co. 

Ambrosiani, Sune. ”Edvard Westermarck 1862–1939.” Särtryck ur RIG (1940): 145–150. (Dödsruna.)

Allardt, Erik. ”Luonto ja kulttuuri Edvard Westermarckin sosiologiassa.” Maaria Linko, Tuija Saresma & Erkki Vainikkala (toim.), Otteita kulttuurista: kirjoituksia nykyajasta, tutkimuksesta ja elämäkerrallisuudesta: Katarina Eskolan juhlakirja. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2000.   

Allardt, Erik. “Edward Westermarck: A Sociologist Relating Nature and Culture.” Acta Sociologica vol. 43 (2000:4): 299–306. 

Allardt, Erik. ”Edvard Westermarck.” Per Schybergson (red.), I sanningens namn. Tolv framstående ledamöter i Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten, 105–120. Helsingfors: The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, 1998.

Antfolk, Jan. “Westermarck as a precursor of evolutionary psychology: the nature and nurture of evolutionary explanations.” Olli Lagerspetz, Jan Antfolk, Ylva Gustafsson & Camilla Kronqvist (eds), Evolution, human behaviour and morality: the legacy of Westermarck, 67–71. London: Routledge, 2017.

Antfolk, Jan & Arthur P. Wolf. “Itemising Westermarck’s hypothesis: the assumptions embedded in Westermarck explanation of human incest avoidance.” Olli Lagerspetz, Jan Antfolk, Ylva Gustafsson & Camilla Kronqvist (eds.), Evolution, human behaviour and morality: the legacy of Westermarck, 72–84. London: Routledge, 2017.

Antfolk, Jan. “Westermarck might have been both right and wrong, A comment on Arthur P. Wolf’s chapter.” David Shankland (ed.), Westermarck, 104–105. Herefordshire: Sean Kingston Publishing, 2014.

Antfolk, Jan, ed. “Implications of the theory of selection (1889)” (by Edward Westermarck). David Shankland (ed.), Westermarck, 147–161. Herefordshire: Sean Kingston Publishing, 2014.

Antfolk, Jan. Etik, emotion och evolution: Edvard Westermarck och António Damasio. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 2008.

Barkan, Elazar. “Rethinking Orientalism. Edward Westermarck and the Representation of ‘Primitives’ at the Turn of the Century.” History of European Ideas 15 (1992:4–6): 759–765.

Bear, Laura. “Fixing Inequalities in Time: Radicalising Westermarck’s moral emotions for a critique of financialised speculation.” Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, vol. 44 (2020:3–4): 3–23. 

Bevc, Irene & Irwin Silverman. “Early separation and sibling incest: A test of the revised Westermarck theory.” Evolution and Human Behavior, vol. 21 (2000:3): 151–161. 

Blackburn, Simon. “Westermarck, Edward (1862–1939).” The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Bloch, Maurice. “Westermarck’s theory of morality in his and our time. A perspective from the LSE anthropology department.” David Shankland (ed.), Westermarck, 116–123. Herefordshire: Sean Kingston Publishing, 2014.

Bourqia, Rahma. “Rituel, symbole et aléa dans la société rurale marocaine. Repenser Westermarck.” Rahma Bourqia & Mokhtar al Harras (eds.), Westermarck et la societe marocaine. Colloques et séminaires no. 27, 185–198. Rabat: Université Mohammed V. Faculté des Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, 1993.

Brown, Kenneth. “The ‘Curse’ of Westermarck.” Ethnos, vol. 47 (1982:3–4): 197–231.

Bruun, Johanna. ”Edvard Westermarck – dramatik och framgång på den vetenskapliga arenan.” Åbo Akademi 16.11.2018.

Carter, Jeffrey. “Edward A. Westermarck: From the Origin and Development of Moral Ideas.” J. Carter (ed.), Understanding Religious Sacrifice – A Reader, 100–125. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2003. 

Dahlberg, Julia. ”Konst och vetenskap. Intellektuell gemenskap i Helena Westermarcks brev till sin bror.” Niin & Näin 89 (2016): 57–66.

Dahlberg, Julia & Niina Timosaari. ”Kaikkihan tiesivät että Edvard-setä oli homo!”. Seksuaalisuuden tutkiminen lähdekriittisenä ongelmana.” Heini Hakosalo, Seija Jalagin, Marianne Junila & Heidi Kurvinen (toim.), Historiallinen elämä — Biografia ja historiantutkimus, 98–112. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2014.

Dahlström, Svante. Edvard Westermarck. Övertryck ur Finländska Gestalter I. Ekenäs: Ekenäs Tryckeri Aktiebolag, 1943.

Descola, Philippe. “Landscape as transfiguration: Edward Westermarck memorial lecture, October 2015.” A. Lounela, E. Berglund & T. Kallinen (eds), Dwelling in Political Landscapes, 235–246. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2019.

Descola, Philippe. “Landscape as Transfiguration: Edward Westermarck Memorial Lecture, October 2015.” Suomen antropologi: Suomen Antropologisen Seuran julkaisu = Antropologi i Finland: Antropologiska sällskapet i Finland, vol. 41 (2016:1): 3–14.

De Smet, Delphine, Linda Van Speybroeck & Jan Verplaetse. “The Westermarck effect revisited: a psychophysiological study of sibling incest aversion in young female adults.” Evolution and human behavior, vol. 35 (2014:1): 34–42. 

Durham, William H. “Assessing the Gaps in Westermarck’s Theory.” Arthur P. Wolf & W. H. Durham (eds), Inbreeding, Incest, and the Incest Taboo: The State of Knowledge at the Turn of the Century, 121–138. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005. 

Durkheim, Emile. “L’origine du mariage dans l’espèce humaine d’après Westermarck.” Revue philosophique 40 (1895): 606–623.

Edel, Abraham. “Westermarck’s formulation of ethical relativity, in twentieth centuryperspective.” Timothy Stroup (ed.): Edward Westermarck: Essays on his Life and Works, 181–194. Acta Philosophica Fennica 34. Helsinki: Akateeminen kirjakauppa, 1982.

Ehrnrooth, Leo, (red.) Anteckningar i samhällslära enligt Dr. Edv. Westermarcks föreläsningar. Helsingfors: Akademiska Bokhandeln, 1894.

El Harras, Mokhtar. ”Le milieu social des Anjri à travers les écrits de Westermarck.” Rahma Bourqia & Mokhtar al Harras (eds.), Westermarck et la societe marocaine. Colloques et séminaires no. 27, 65–78. Rabat: Université Mohammed V. Faculté des Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, 1993.

Esteves, António J. “Westermarck: Sociólogo da Vida Moral?” Construção da Sociologia: razão, Emoções e Pragmatismo. Porto: Universidade do Porto, 2014. 

Evers Rosander, Eva. “Some Wedding Customs in Qbila Anjra now (1976–1987) and then (1900–1910). Comparisons and Reflections Based on Westermarck’s “Marriage Ceremonies in Morocco”.” Rahma Bourqia & Mokhtar al Harras (eds.), Westermarck et la societe marocaine. Colloques et séminaires no. 27, 111–129. Rabat: Université Mohammed V. Faculté des Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, 1993.

Fessler, Daniel M. T. “Neglected Natural Experiments Germane to the Westermarck Hypothesis: The Karo Batak and the Oneida Community.” Human nature, vol. 18 (2007:4): 355–364. 

Fessler, Daniel M.T & David Navarrete. “Third-party attitudes toward sibling incest: Evidence for Westermarck’s hypotheses.” Evolution and human behavior vol. 25 (2004:5): 277–294. 

Fletcher, Ronald. “On the contribution of Edward Westermarck. The process of institutionalization: a general theory.” Timothy Stroup (ed.), Edward Westermarck: Essays on his Life and Works. Acta Philosophica Fennica no. 34, 195-217. Helsinki: Akateeminen kirjakauppa, (1940) 1982.

Fletcher, Ronald. “Edward Westermarck: The sociology of morals: ‘Sanctions’ at the heart of social institutions.” Ronald Fletcher (ed.), The making of sociology. A study of sociological theory, vol. 2: Developments, 84–122. London: Michael Joseph, 1971.

Fraley, R. Chris & Michael J. Marks. “Westermarck, Freud, and the Incest Taboo: Does Familial Resemblance Activate Sexual Attraction?” Personality and social psychology bulletin, vol. 36 (2010:9): 1202–1212. 

Franco Vázquez, Cristina. ”El patrimonio inmaterial magrebí a examen: análisis historiográfico de las obras de Edward Westermarck y Edmond Doutté.” Miscelanànea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, vol. 72 (2023): 23–37. 

Ginsberg, Morris. ”The life and work of Edward Westermarck.” Timothy Stroup (ed.), Edward Westermarck: Essays on his Life and Works. Acta Philosophica Fennica no. 34, 181–194. Helsinki: Akateeminen kirjakauppa, (1940) 1982.

González Vázquez, Araceli. ”Ontografía, epistemografía y animalidad: la obra paremiológica en árabe marroquí del sociólogo finlandés Edvard Westermarck.” Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, vol. 72 (2023): 39–68. 

Gould, F. J. “With Dr. Edward Westermarck.” The Literary Guide and Rationalist Review. N. S. 30 (1898): 185–187.

Granbom-Herranen, Liisa. “Edward Westermarck – a scientist and explorer with proverbs in Morocco.” 14th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, Proceedings. (non-peer reviewed article in conferense publication) (2021). 

Guindi, Fadwa El & Dwight Read. “Westermarck Hypothesis Reconsidered: A Comment on Kushnick and Fessler.” Current anthropology, vol. 53 (2012:1): 134–135. 

Gästrin, Jan. “Prof. Westermarck och Oidipuskomplexen.” Hufvudstadsbladet, 17.2.1935.

Hart, David Montgomery. “Oaths Sponsorship, Protection, Alliance and the Feud in the Moroccan Berber Work of Edward Westermarck.” Rahma Bourqia & Mokhtar al Harras (eds.), Westermarck et la societe marocaine. Colloques et séminaires no. 27, 131–157. Rabat: Université Mohammed V. Faculté des Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, 1993.

Hart, David. “Muslim ritual models in two pre-colonial Moroccan Berber societies: covenant, conditional curse, shame compulsion and sacrifice.” The journal of North African studies, vol. 6 (1993:2): 61–80. London: Routledge.

Harva, Urpo. Edward Westermarckin moraalifilosofia. Porvoo [s.n.], 1941.

Hiatt, Lester R. “Edward Westermarck and the Origin of Moral Ideas.” Alan Barnard (ed.), Hunter-Gatherers in History, Archaeology and Anthropology, 45–56. London: Routledge, 2004. 

Hirn, Yrjö. “Edward Westermarck and his English Friends. Lecture delivered at a meeting of the Westermarck Society held in Helsingfors on April 16th, 1946.” Transactions of the Westermarck Society, vol. I. (1947). Copenhagen: Munksgaard.

Hultberg, Ralf. Vedergällningstanken: två idéhistoriska studier. Göteborg: Daidalos, 2012.

Ihanus, Juhani. “Westermarck, Malinowski and the ‘Wild things’: at the interface between Anthropology, Sexology and Psychoanalysis.” Olli Lagerspetz, Jan Antfolk, Ylva Gustafsson & Camilla Kronqvist (eds), Evolution, human behaviour and morality: the legacy of Westermarck, 22–39. London: Routledge, 2017.

Ihanus, Juhani. “Carl Starcke and Wilhelm Bolin on Edward Westermark’s dissertation, The History of Human Marriage, The question of plagiarism.” David Shankland (ed.), Westermarck, 80–95. Herefordshire: Sean Kingston Publishing, 2014.

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Ihanus, Juhani. “On the connections between psychoanalysis, sexology and anthropology: The case of Westermarck and Malinowski.” F. Erös, & G. Kiss (eds), 7th European CHEIRON Conference, 341–350. Budapest: Hungarian Psychological Association and Institute of Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 1988.

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Karemo, Tuomas. ”Unohdettu supertutkija Edvard Westermarck tutki insestiä ja puolusti naisia.” Yle 13.10.2017.

Katscher, Leopold. Westermarck’s Forschungen über die Naturgeschichte der Ehe. Leipzig: Gautzsch, 1909.

Klinge, Matti. ”Westermarck – Darwinisti Tangerissa.” Matti Klinge (toim.), Professoreita. Helsinki: Otava, 1990.

Kronqvist, Camilla & Otto Pipatti. “The emotional origins of morality: methodological issues.” Olli Lagerspetz, Jan Antfolk, Ylva Gustafsson & Camilla Kronqvist (eds), Evolution, human behaviour and morality: the legacy of Westermarck, 109–114. London: Routledge, 2017.

Kronqvist, Camilla. “Westermarck and Moore on the source of morality.” Olli Lagerspetz, Jan Antfolk, Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla & Kronqvist (eds), Evolution, Human Behaviour and Morality: The Legacy of Westermarck, 129–141. London/ New York: Routledge, 2017.

Kronqvist, Camilla. “Emotions and moral relativism: Prinz and Westermarck.” Olli Lagerspetz, Jan Antfolk, Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla & Kronqvist (eds.), Evolution, Human Behaviour and Morality: The Legacy of Westermarck, 142–155. London/ New York: Routledge, 2017.

Kronqvist, Camilla. “The relativity of Westermarck’s relativism.” David Shankland (ed.), Westermarck, 124–144. Herefordshire: Sean Kingston Publishing, 2014.

Kushnick, Geoff & Daniel M. T Fessler. “Karo Batak Cousin Marriage, Cosocialization, and the Westermarck Hypothesis.” Current anthropology, vol. 52 (2011:3): 443–448.

Lagerborg, Rolf. Edvard Westermarck och verken från hans verkstad under hans tolv sista år 1927–39. Helsingfors: Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1951.

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Walter, Alex & Steven Buyske. “The Westermarck Effect and early childhood co-socialization: Sex differences in inbreeding-avoidance.” British journal of developmental psychology, vol. 21 (2003:3): 353–365. 

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Wikman, Karl Robert Villehad. Letters from Edward B. Tylor and Alfred Russel Wallace to Edward Westermarck. Turku: Åbo Akademi, 1940.

Wilson, Robert A. “Incest, Incest Avoidance, and Attachment: Revisiting the Westermarck Effect.” Philosophy of science, vol. 86 (2019:3): 391–411.

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Wright, Georg Henrik von. “Piirteitä Edvard Westermarckin filosofisesta kehityksestä.” Simo Knuutila, Juha Manninen & Ilkka Niiniluoto (toim.), Aate ja maailmankuva. Suomen filosofista perintöä keskiajalta vuosisadallemme, 277–319. Juva: WSOY, 1979.

Youssi, Abderrahim. “Semio-cultural Bases in Proverb Study.” Rahma Bourqia & Mokhtar al Harras (eds.), Westermarck et la societe marocaine. Colloques et séminaires no. 27, 79–96. Rabat: Université Mohammed V. Faculté des Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, 1993.

Öst, Heidi. “Mackinder, Westermarck and the Åland Question.” Journal of Autonomy and Security Studies vol. 1 (2017:2): 148–159. Mariehamn: Ålands fredsinstitut, 2017.

Le sociologue, anthropologue et philosophe finlandais Edvard* Westermarck (1862–1939) a laissé une grande collection de lettres, manuscrits, notes et photographies qui sont préservées dans les collections d’archives de la bibliothèque universitaire d’Åbo Akademi. Les archives de Westermarck font partie du registre national du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO depuis 2021.

Les archives comprennent la correspondance de Westermarck avec les anthropologues les plus connus de l’époque et d’autres chercheurs internationaux, tels que Bronislaw Malinowski.

Edvard Westermarck a fait un travail de terrain approfondi au Maroc et a vécu dans le pays pendant de nombreuses années. La photographie était une forme importante de documentation dans ses études ethnographiques, et ce matériel d’image unique est inclus dans les collections d’archives de la bibliothèque d’Åbo Akademi. Les manuscrits de ces livres se trouvent également dans les archives, ainsi que des brouillons de divers discours et conférences. Au cours de son travail de terrain, Westermarck a également fait des recherches sur les langues arabe et amazighe (“berbère”). Les archives contiennent divers documents linguistiques, et aussi des textes écrits par l’assistant de recherche marocain de Westermarck, Sidi Abdessalam el Bakkali.

Le matériel d’archives peut être mis à la disposition dans la salle de lecture des archives de la bibliothèque d’Åbo Akademi. Voir “Contact” pour des informations détaillées.

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*Edvard est aussi parfois ortographié Edward.

Updated 12.12.2023