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Man och kvinnar tittar på datorskärmen.

Job shadowing day

Man och kvinnar tittar på datorskärmen.

Job shadowing day

Job shadowing is a concept where a person spends time following, observing and learning from a professional(s) as they work during a specific period. The aim of job shadowing is to give the observer a better understanding of a particular career or work task and to create connections to professionals in that field. 

International master’s degree students, currently studying at Åbo Akademi University, can apply to do a job shadowing day in a company or organization related to their field of study. The candidates are selected based on applications, since there is a limited number of spots every year. 

Shadowing a professional allows international students to learn more about a specific profession or organization, ask questions from an expert(s) and to practice communicating and presenting oneself in a low-stress situation. Our aim is that international students at ÅAU will also gain insights into the Finnish work culture and even expand their professional networks in Finland.

Application and selection criteria

The next Job Shadowing period will take place in November-December 2024. The application period will be 23.9 – 6.10.2024, and we will inform the students about the opening of this application round by e-mail.

Candidates are selected amongst all applicants based on predetermined criteria.


Is your company/organization interested in taking part in the job shadowing day?

In that case contact us via email at talentboost@abo.fi or by calling us. Let’s talk more!

  • Meet a talented international master’s degree student and a potential future employee.
  • Hear ideas and insights from an expert of a foreign country and learn more about a new culture.
  • Showcase your company and gain positive word-of-mouth among the student’s peers and students at ÅAU
  • Help a future expert to get one step closer to integrating into Finland by introducing them to the Finnish work culture and allowing them to experience a day at a job in Finland

Updated 15.7.2024