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Contact Education services

Contact Education services

The staff at the Education services can help with issues related to education and studies.

In Åbo the main part of the Education services’ central administration is located in the Gripen building (ground floor) at Tavastgatan 13. Education services also has staff at the faculty offices and elsewhere on campus, please see specific contact details here below.

Within the central education services (the Student office) we handle among other things student services, international student affairs, and the study register.

The student service desk is open between 9-12 on weekdays (Monday – Friday).

Open: Weekdays 9:00-12:00
E-mail: studinfo@abo.fi
Phone: +358 2 215 4169

You can reach us via email studinfo@abo.fi and phone +358 2215 4169.

If you need an e-exam key, find more information in the e-exam gudie here.

In Vasa you can be in contact with fpv-studieradgivare@abo.fi if you need to visit the administration in person.

Education services

Student services/Student service desk

Transcripts of records, certificates of enrollment, term registration, re-registration, renouncement of study entitlement, forms, general advice to applicants and students.

Study Secretary Mirka Laakso (Åbo)
+358 2 215 4169
+358 46 921 6032
e-mail: studinfo@abo.fi

Coordinator Olivia Franck (Åbo)
Questions related to student wellbeing
+358 50 355 6900
e-post: olivia.franck@abo.fi

Coordinator Ken Snellman (Åbo)
Admissions, student recruitment
+358 2 215 4004
+358 46 921 6099
e-post: ken.snellman@abo.fi

Coordinator Jessica Nylund (Åbo)
Admissions, International master’s degree programmes
+358 503060314
e-mail: jessica.c.nylund@abo.fi

Coordinator Johnny Nykvist (Åbo)
Student register
+358 50 46 33 595
e-mail: studieregister@abo.fi

Coordinator Alexandra Lahtivuori (Åbo)
Study management tools development
+358 50 468 3934
e-mail: alexandra.lahtivuori@abo.fi

Project Coordinator Rebecca Mattbäck (Åbo)

+358 503023517
e-mail: rebecca.mattback@abo.fi

International affairs

Coordinator, Harriet Klåvus (Åbo)
+358 2 215 4510
+358 46 921 6130
e-mail: harriet.klavus@abo.fi or exchange@abo.fi

Coordinator, Julia Fredman (Åbo)
+358 50 592 2839
e-mail: julia.fredman@abo.fi or exchange@abo.fi

Coordinator, Sara Joas (Åbo)
+358 504653965
e-mail: sara.joas@abo.fi or exchange@abo.fi

Coordinator Katie Fagerström (Vasa)
+358 6 324 7473
+358 50 310 6473
e-mail: katie.fagerstrom@abo.fi or exchange@abo.fi

ÅAU:s contact persons for students in cases of harassment.

Head of Education services

Gurli-Maria Gardberg (Åbo)
+358 2 215 4891
+358 46 921 5965
e-mail: gurli-maria.gardberg@abo.fi

Director for Åbo Akademi University’s Education Services

Lena Nybond (Åbo)
+358 50 592 5518
e-mail: lena.nybond@abo.fi

Vice-rector for Education

Vice-rector, professor Gunilla Widén (Åbo)
+358 2 215 4576
e-mail: gunilla.widen@abo.fi


Faculty administration:

Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology

Tehtaankatu 2
phone: +358 2 215 31
e-mail: fhpt-studieradgivare@abo.fi 

Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies

Rantakatu 2
phone: +358 2 215 31
e-mail: fpv-studieradgivare@abo.fi

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Henrikinkatu 2
phone: +358 2 215 31
e-mail: fnt-studieradgivare@abo.fi

Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, and Law

Vänrikinkatu 3 B
phone: +358 2 215 31
e-mail: fsej-studieradgivare@abo.fi

Updated 17.7.2024