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Main Subject – Economics

Economic phenomena affect us on all levels in society. Economics is a discipline dealing with these issues from both a macroperspective at national and international levels and from a microperspective with a focus on markets. Macroeconomics introduces you to such issues as economic growth and crises, and how an economist can contribute to these through financial, monetary and currency policies. Microeconomics, on the other hand, provides you with an insight into the market behaviours of various actors, as well as the interactions between supply, demand and pricing. Economics also discusses welfare, sustainability and the effective distribution of resources. Other areas within Economics include labour market issues, international trade and integration.

With Economics as your major subject, you can form your future professional profile through your choices of minor subjects and elective studies. For example, if you take minor subjects in the fields of business or law, you can pursue a career in finance, trade or industry, whereas minor subjects in social sciences will provide you with important knowledge and skills for jobs in the public sector and international organisations. In addition to the courses offered by Åbo Akademi University, you can study abroad through our exchange programmes or take courses at the University of Turku. For those majoring in other subjects, Economics can be a useful minor subject.

Research in Economics at Åbo Akademi University is conducted primarily in the fields of labour market economics, health economics, and industrial organisation, which are related to public economy and welfare.


Visiting address

Vänrikinkatu 3 B


Åbo Akademi University
Tuomiokirkontori 3
FI-20500 Turku