Immersion education is one of the first established forms of bilingual education in Finland. Immersion teacher education is offered at the Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies at Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa. Research in immersion is also conducted at the Faculty. The Faculty has a professor in immersion and multilingualism, as well as researchers and university teachers in the field.
The immersion specialization within the teacher education programme at Åbo Akademi University is the only one of its kind in Finland and in the Nordic countries. Both within class teacher education and within early childhood teacher education it is possible to specialize in immersion. In addition, the Faculty offers in-service training for immersion teachers at various stages in cooperation with the Centre for lifelong learning and other actors.
Both nationally and internationally recognized research in immersion is conducted at the Faculty, and immersion teaching is being developed in collaboration with various immersion actors in Finland.
More information about immersion, immersion education as well as research and publications about immersion at Åbo Akademi University can be found via the tabs to the right. For further questions, please contact professor in immersion and multilingualism Siv Björklund (contact information to the right).