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Åbo Akademi University audit 2022

Åbo Akademi University audit 2022

Åbo Akademi University has signed an agreement on audit in 2022 with the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC). The audit is carried out in compliance with the FINEEC audit process (Audit manual for higher education institutions 2019-2024 (pdf)) and our audit agreement, dated 21 April 2021.

According to the audit agreement, Åbo Akademi University chooses a special area, which the audit team will assess and give recommendations for. Åbo Akademi University has chosen the theme The working life relevance in our education. The purpose is to get an external view on an area that the university would like to develop. This evaluation area will not be taken into consideration when deciding whether the university will pass the audit, and no grading based on the assessment scale is given.

A benchlearning project is also included in the audit agreement. Åbo Akademi University has chosen the theme Student recruitment. The purpose is to get feedback on the university activities and benefit from good practice at the other university. The project is carried out with Dalarna University (Sweden), which has developed strategies for recruiment to meet challenges linked to the university’s regional location.

The audit is prepared by an audit group lead by Director Lena Nybond, Educational Services. A steering group lead by Rector Mikael Lindfelt has the overall responsibility for the audit.

According to the audit agreement, NCU will carry out the audit visit at Åbo Akademi University in May 2022. The audit report is to be published in August 2022 on FINEEC’s digital audit platform.


The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) is evaluated by The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) on a regular basis. FINEEC is registered in the European Quality Assurance Register of Higher Education (EQAR). FINEEC’s audit model is consistent with the requirements of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (in short ESG).

Updated 9.2.2022