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Home Economics

Home Economics

Major subject – Home Economics

Our daily household tasks affect our living environment, both now and in the future. Students of Home Economics will learn how individuals can carry out their daily tasks sustainably from a local, national and global perspective. In your studies, you will study foodstuffs, nutrition, consumers and households, and gain practical and theoretical skills in food preparation, cleaning and textile care. You will also learn about dietary habits, food safety, meals and food culture, family education, housing, equality and media education. Your studies will provide you with knowledge on everything a home economics teacher needs to promote health and well-being in the ever-changing daily life and households of today’s world.

Research in Home Economics at Åbo Akademi University focuses on pedagogical  and didactic aspects in relation to diet, nutrition, consumption, environmental education and daily skills needed in the ever-changing households and society of today’s world.

The studies in Home Economics are interdisciplinary and versatile and you have the opportunity to influence the contents of your degree. Home Economics combined with various minor subjects allows you to work in different sectors after graduation. With pedagogical studies, you get the eligibility to work as a subject teacher in Home Economics for children, adolescents and adults at different educational stages. With studies in other fields of science, combined with your major subject, you will be able to create your own knowledge in the field. Many graduates work in various organizations and companies, while some choose to become entrepreneurs. You can also continue with postgraduate studies in the fieldStudying Home Economics will qualify you for various careers!


Visiting address

Rantakatu 2


Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa
Home Economics
PL 311
FI-65101 Vaasa