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Sloyd and Home Economics – Research

Sloyd and Home Economics – Research

Mia Porko-Hudd, Professor

My research interest concerns the pedagogic and didactic aspects of crafts from pre-primary education to basic education, teacher education and further education. Crafts in society and arenas outside formal education are also of interest. My recent publications have dealt with issues of sustainability and well-being, documentations of craft processes, and craft education during and after the pandemic.

Stefan Myrskog, Lecturer

My research is about craft teaching outdoors in early childhood education. The latest publication concerns how students in early childhood education experience craft activities outdoors. Ongoing research focuses on how  early childhood educators experience craft activities in different learning environments. Product planning in the field of crafts is also within my research.

Juha Hartvik, University Lecturer

My research interest is broad and ranges from craft in class- and subject teacher education to how craft is realized in schools and education in general. I am also interested in questions dealing with in-service training for teachers. My most recent research focuses on how craft teachers dealt with the teaching during the pandemic. An article on what we can learn about teaching craft during the pandemic is under review.

Pia Brännkärr, University Teacher

My research is about international students’ participation in craft courses at university level.  The research focuses on why international students choose craft courses, how they experience a craft course and what they gain from a craft course. The research also concerns the interaction that takes place during a craft course with both Finnish and international students.

Lilly Swanljung, University Teacher

I work with the development of courses and education in craft science. I am involved in planning and implementation of crafts courses within a wide spectrum ranging from craft for early childhood education, classroom teachers, special education teachers to subject teachers. In recent years, I have actively participated in the development of the national 1000+ program for early childhood teacher education. Special education for vocational teachers is also one of my areas of interest.

Kirsi Salomaa, University Teacher

My research is about the development of education in home economics in the Swedish spoken part of Finland. The focus of my research is on the development of teacher education in home economics from having been a short course to an academic subject teacher education. The main interest areas are societal motives in education of home economics.  Education in home economics hade great significance in vocational education.

Karin Sundqvist, University Teacher (on leave of absence 2022-2023)

My research interests include ICT and learning. My current research focuses on enhancing the understanding of the conditions framing teachers’ ICT use in the school subject of home economics.

Charlotta Böhlström, University Teacher

My research is about the importance of food for the children’s birthday party. The research focuses on parents of children in the “party age” and how they experience the organization of parties with a focus on the treats. The parents’ experiences of their own birthday parties in childhood are also of interest to be able to see to what extent (food) traditions are passed on to their own children’s birthday parties.

Updated 29.9.2023