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For the first time in history, there is a tool for developing islands and smaller communities, characterized by their presence to water. The tool – or concept – is called habitability.

The Habitability concept is closely related to UN’s sustainability goals, Agenda 2030, but the focus is concrete/comprehensible and on a local level.

Being habitable means there are jobs, housing, a school, ferries, etc. – the prerequisite for a sustainable society that can take care of its inhabitants, its nature and the surrounding sea. This is existential for an island to attract a resident population in a sustainable way.

The habitability concept was developed on the island of Kökar on Åland, during the years 2018–2020. A habitability analysis is an important starting point for further development work. Through the analysis, one can point to what needs to be developed, but also to all the positive things that the island or area could highlight more.


Habitability-verkostosta suomeksi.

Om Habitability-nätverket på svenska.

Updated 12.4.2023