Åbo Akademi/CLIC Innovation
10 122 300 €
SUSBINCO-project will develop innovations to substitute fossil-based binders and coatings with bio-based solutions which can be used in packaging, paints, adhesives, sealants, and abrasives. These solutions are urgently needed to produce more sustainable alternatives, reduce greenhouse gases and reduce the dependency on fossil-based raw materials.
Conventional binders are mainly made from fossil-based polymers which causes environmental and safety concerns as crude oil is a finite and non-renewable resource, and the extraction and use of fossils are linked to many environmental problems and climate change. A transition is needed towards sustainable binders and coatings, which are eagerly sought after by the industry.
Bio-based binders and coatings can significantly reduce the use of synthetic or even toxic chemicals and produce lower emissions. The use of renewable feedstocks is and will become even more important raw material for the future chemical industries. SUSBINCO comprehensively addresses resource use to provide sustainable economic growth and human development.
The developed innovations aim at grasp on untapped market opportunities. All of the markets related to the SUSBINCO application areas are expecting strong growth and are trending towards bio-based solutions. SUSBINCO ties in the significant impact and supports the Finnish bioeconomy by developing novel bio-based alternatives to fossil-based binders and coatings.
The industrial partners of the consortium are Brightplus, CH-Bioforce, CH-Polymers, Kiilto, MetGen, Metsä Board, Mirka, Montinutra, Teknos, UPM-Kymmene, and Valmet Technologies. The research organisations of the consortium are Åbo Akademi University, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, University of Oulu, Natural Resources Institute of Finland, Tampere University, and University of Eastern Finland.
Coming articles
Master Thesis
- 2023
- Suberin-Pigment dispersions for barrier coatings, Ilmari Oravala, VTT
- Characterisation of the stability for suberin-in-water emulsions, Thomas Öhman, Åbo Akademi
Participation in conferences
- ICS23 conference in Nov 2023, Kuopio, Finland
- CPC separation of phenols for sustainable coatings, Proof-of-concept protocol for the purification of phenolic components from birch-based bio-oils, N. Jokinen
- Ecotoxicity testing with water fleas of sustainable samples from biodegradability test, I. Lyijynen
- Marcus Wallenberg Prize Ceremony and Young researchers MWP seminar, Nov 2023
Wood hemicellulose derivatives with tailored surface activity towards aqueous dispersion coating, M. Kvikant - 3rd International Workshop on Biorefinery of Lignocellulosic Materials (IWBLCM2023), 12-15.9.2023, Córdoba, Spain
Impact of lignin on the performance of lignin-based polyurethan coatings in Wood protection, M. Kellock et. al. - Life Cycle Management conference, Sept 2023, Lille France
Life cycle assessment of bio-based barrier coating for paperboard packaging, Finnish case study, N. Vinitskaia et. al. - The ISWFPC conference, July 2023, Venice, Italy
Wood hemicellulose derivatives with tailored surface activity towards aqueous dispersion coating, M. Kvikant et. al. - The EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference in September 2023, Graz, Austria
Amphiphilic hemicellulose as a stabilizer in aqueous dispersion coating, M. Kvikant et. al. - The 5th International Cellulose Conference [ICC 2022+1], Hiroshima, Japan
How different birch raw materials affect energy consumption and achieved fibrillation level in purely mechanical MFC processing, S. Siljander et al. 2023 - Renewable Resources & Biorefineries Conference, Riga, 31 May – 2 June 2023
Valorization strategies for industrial bark, M. Borrega, VTT - TAPPI Nano 2023, Vancouver, Canada
Suberin fatty acid derived bio-based dispersion coatings for high moisture barrier packaging, R. Koppolu et. al.
- OECD Unlocking co-creation for green innovation, 10 international case studies
- Suberin-based Aqueous Dispersions for Barrier Packaging Applications, L. Hu et. al.
- Converting and its Effects on Barrier Properties of Coated Packaging Materials: A Review, R. Lev et. al.
- Pickering Emulsions and Hydrophobized Films of Amphiphilic Cellulose Nanofibers Synthesized in Deep Eutectic Solvent
- 21.9.2023 4Recycling Nordic Forum: 4Recycling Nordic Forum addressed the need for Nordic collaboration
- 23.5.2023 CLIC Innovation’s Annual Seminar – “Towards sustainable future solutions”: 4Recycling presented at CLIC Innovation’s Annual Seminar
- 21.6.2022 ExpandFibre Annual Seminar: EXPANDFIBRE Ecosystem Annual seminar on Twitter
- 29.9.2022 Tekniikan torstai-seminaari: Puusta on moneksi, University of Oulu
News and other
- SUSBINCO Project featured in OECD’s latest report on Green Innovation. 21.12.2023 on CLIC LinkedIn:
- 30.11.2023 on CLIC News & Events: Minette Kvikant,Unveiling SUSBINCO Innovations: My research presentation at the Marcus Wallenberg Prize Symposium in Stockholm, the article can also be found on CLIC LinkedIn: and X:
- 21.9.2023 on UPM.COM News and Stories: SUSBINCO consortium met face-to-face to share the progress and viewpoints on creating packaging innovation Beyond Fossils
- 28.11.2022: Teknos to Develop Bio-based Binders & Coatings Under SUSBINCO Project
- 18.11.2022: Government funded SUSBINCO project in Finland progressing toward new bio-based binders and coatings
- 19.10.2022 on CLIC website and newsletter: SUSBINCO project develops sustainable, bio-based binder and coating solutions – Interview with Prof. Chunlin Xu
- 22.6.2022: Prof. Chunlin Xu presented the SUSBINCO project during EXPANDFIBRE Ecosystem Annual seminar on June 21, 2022
- 18.5.2022: CLIC Innovation started as SUSBINCO project coordinator
- 11.3.2022: Teknos participates in project to develop bio-based coatings
- 26.1.2022: SUSBINCO joined EXPANDFIBRE ecosystem
- 15.12.2021: The SUSBINCO project aims to make Finland a global leader in bio-based packaging
- 13.12.2021: Suomesta tehdään biopohjaisten pakkausmateriaalien markkinajohtajaa
- 7.10.2021: Åbo Akademi får över 750 000 i stöd från Business Finland – nytt forskningsprojekt tar fart
Consortium members´ Websites
- 21.06.2023: Miriam Kellock´s blog at VTT website (same as published at CLIC´s website) Preserving wood with wood: Exploring the power of lignin in polyurethane coatings
- MetsäBoard professional magazine 2022
- 12.10.2022: Kohti täysin biopohjaisia sideaineita, maaleja ja pakkausmateriaaleja – Teknoksen osaamista hyödynnetään laajassa tutkimushankkeessa
- 12.10.2022: Teknos mukana laajassa tutkimushankkeessa, jossa kehitetään biopohjaisia sideaineita ja pinnoitteita
- 8.6.2022: Teknoksen kestävä kehitys vuonna 2021: Vastuullisen yrityksen rakentaminen jatkuu
- 9.5.2022: Puiden kemikaalit kiinnostavat tutkijoita ja teollisuutta
- LUT University Report on Sustainability 2021
- 21.12.2021: Kiilto participates in research project aiming to accelerate the development of bio-based binders and coatings
- 10.12.2022: Sustainable Bio-based Binders and Coatings – SUSBINCO
- VTT Sustainable binders and coatings
CLIC Website
- Coating and converting of novel bio-based binders – COCOBIN
- SUSBINCO in CLIC´s project portfolio
- 28.9.2023: SUSBINCO Consortium meeting gathered industry and academia to discuss the project results
- 7.6.2023: 4Recycling presented at CLIC Innovation’s Annual Seminar
- 7.6.2023 Blog by Miriam Kellock, VTT, Preserving wood with wood: Exploring the power of lignin in polyurethane coatings
- 6.3.2023 Functional Biobased Packaging Opportunities & Regulation joint webinar by CLIC 4Recycling and ExpandFibre:
- 30.9.2021 New project SUSBINCO develops sustainable binders for different industry usage
Contacts of project partners: PIs of each partner
- Åbo Akademi University: Chunlin Xu
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd: Marc Borrega
- University of Oulu: Henrikki Liimatainen
- University of Eastern Finland: Reijo Lappalainen
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology: Ville Leminen
- Tampere University: Tomas Björkqvist
- Natural Resources Institute Finland: Pekka Saranpää
- UPM-Kymmene Oyj: Christiane Laine
- Metsä Board Oyj: Riku Talja
- Mirka Oy: Petter Andersson
- CH-Polymers Oy: Misla Lagus
- Teknos Oy: Pasi Virtanen
- Montinutra Oy: Jaakko Pajunen
- Brightplus Oy: Maiju Hietala
- Kiilto Oy: Christopher Mills
- CH-Bioforce Oy: Lari Vähäsalo
- MetGen Oy: Petri Ihalainen
- Valmet Technologies Oy: Olli Tuovinen

Kontaktperson vid Åbo Akademi
Chunlin Xu
Luonnonmateriaalitekniikan laboratorio
Puh. +358 440362088