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Nordic Research Environment on Language, Justice and the Welfare State (Swedish Research Council)

Nordic Research Environment on Language, Justice and the Welfare State (Swedish Research Council)






  • Åbo Akademi
  • University West
  • Södertörns högskola
  • Helsingin yliopisto
  • Rahoittaja

  • Vetenskapsrådet
  • Budjetti

    1 037 400 €

    This research environment sets out to explore challenges to linguistic justice
    in Nordic welfare state institutions in a context of global migration and look
    for new ways to understand and respond to peoples’ needs, rights and current
    barriers to participation in the multilingual everyday realities of a large
    segment of the population in the Nordic countries.

    The environment will fill a significant research gap by situating
    contemporary Nordic welfare institutions in a global migration context to
    understand and conceptualise linguistic (in)justice from an intersectional
    perspective as it appears in the interactions between the welfare state and
    service users who do not master the majority or official languages. Through
    interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration, we can identify obstacles,
    explore and promote solutions, and theorise on the empirical findings in a
    welfare institutional context, and contribute to broader knowledge building
    and new theoretical and methodological insights on challenges of linguistic
    and social justice in the Nordic welfare states.

    The collaborative research team represents four Nordic universities and two
    Nordic countries. The findings will be shared in a wider Nordic context
    through participation and exchange in Nordic research networks and forums;
    Nordic Migration Research NMR and Nordic Association for Schools in
    Social Work NASSW. The key impact of the research environment is
    building a platform for a Nordic research profile on language, justice,
    migration, and the welfare state that will be of scientific and societal
    significance nationally and internationally.

    Ota yhteyttä

    Camilla Nordberg (Vastuullinen tutkija)

    Vanhempi yliopistonlehtori 


    Kasvatustieteiden ja hyvinvointialojen tiedekunta

    Eveliina Tolvanen



    Kasvatustieteiden ja hyvinvointialojen tiedekunta
    Projektin sivulle Åbo Akademin tutkimusportaalissa