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Private Law (minor subject)

Private Law (minor subject)

Law is omnipresent. The activities and functions of society are based on legislative norms and, especially in today’s society, many functions are governed by both national and international regulations. Private Law deals with the legal problems and questions that arise between private persons, either as individuals or as different communities, and which involve private interests. Students of Private Law will gain insights into various areas of law, including family and inheritance law, contractual law, tort law, trade law, transportation law, company law, market and intellectual property laws, employment law, as well as credit and collateral law. Private Law comprises a broad field and during your studies you will learn about multiple areas ranging from environmental responsibility to international trade law.

If you study Private Law as your major subject you can freely choose from a large selection of elective courses. In addition to the courses offered by Åbo Akademi University, you can also take courses at the Turku Law School, which is a co-operative unit jointly managed with the Faculty of Law at the University of Turku. In your studies, you can choose to specialise in corporate operations, international trade and transport, insurance and finance, or create a unique profile of your own. Your professional profile will be further affected by your choice of minor subjects. Private Law can also be taken as a minor subject by other students of social sciences and students with other major subjects.

As of 1.8.2023 it is no longer possible to choose Private Law as your main subject.

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