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Nordic History

Nordic History

Major subject – Nordic History

Finland’s Swedish past has a great influence on our contemporary society. Nordic History deals with the periods, social changes, social structures, ideas and values from a Nordic perspective. As a history student, you will not only be studying individual events, but also learn how to reveal the bigger picture within the details. You will learn how earlier Nordic societies looked, how they were formed, what it was like to live in them and what is left of them in our own time. The studies will teach you how to develop a solid knowledge of the past and, with that knowledge gain insights into both yourself and today’s society. You will be studying history in multiple languages and learn how to express yourself clearly in speech and writing.

If you’ve earned a Bachelor’s degree in History, you can choose Nordic History as your major subject at the Master’s level. During your Bachelor studies you will have already chosen whether you want to continue with general studies or the line for subject teachers. If you want to become a subject teacher, you will continue to study Education as your minor subject. In general studies, you will either have a short minor subject or only elective studies, in addition to which you will develop your capabilities to conduct historical research. During your studies, you can also take advantage of the many opportunities for study exchange.

Research conducted within Nordic History encompasses a number of subjects and areas. The focus is on overlapping places and regions during the Early Modern period, radical movements during the 20th century, military history, consumption patterns and historical perspectives on gender.


Visiting address

Tehtaankatu 2



+358 2 215 31