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Information Studies

Information Studies

Main subject – Information Studies

In an age of information overload and fake news, the professional processing of information becomes even more important. The information and knowledge we possess affects the decisions we make. That is why strategic information management is so important both now and in the future. Students of Information Studies will learn how books, websites, audio recordings, industrial documents and other types of media are stored, recycled, conveyed and evaluated in a digital information society. During your studies, you will also learn about the flow of information in different environments (e.g. on the Internet, market or social networks), information processes in organisations and companies, information searches, customer service and communications strategies, tools and channels.

You can influence your professional profile by combining Information Studies with other subjects or courses. Information Studies in combination with subjects within business administration will provide you with the tools to work in the business sector, while subjects in the humanities and other social sciences will give you the skills to work in, for example, a library. Some of your courses will be given in English and you can also choose to study or do practical training abroad.

After completing your Bachelor of Social Sciences, you will continue your studies in the English-language Master’s Degree Programme in Governance of Digitalization, where you can earn your Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration) degree. Even though the Master’s Degree Programme is given in English, you still have the right to complete certain parts of it (e.g. your Master’s thesis) in Swedish.

Information and knowledge are resources in today’s information-intensive society. The information itself is not the only resource – the ability to search for, evaluate and use information effectively and ethically is equally important. This is important both in daily life, studies, business and at the workplace.

Research in Information Studies focuses on information behaviour at both the individual and organisational level. Information competence is a concept that unites several of the subject’s larger research projects and helps in understanding effective information processing, which is becoming increasingly important at all levels of the digital society.


Visiting address

Vänrikinkatu 3 B


Åbo Akademi University
Information Studies
Tuomiokirkontori 3
FI-20500 Turku