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Health Education, teacher training (minor subject)

Health Education, teacher training (minor subject)

Minor subject – Health Education

You may choose Health Education as a minor subject (25 cr). Health Education is a compulsory subject in basic education. In Health Education studies, you will learn the main concepts and theories related to human health and lifestyles, the physical and mental development of children and youths, health status, health-related behaviour and subjectively experienced health. You will learn about dietary habits, sexuality and drugs as well as how they affect the health status of youths and their physical, mental and social well-being.

In order to teach health education for grades 7-9 in comprehensive school and general upper secondary school, you will need to take subject studies in Health Education (60 cr).



Visiting address

Rantakatu 2


Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa
Health Education, teacher training
PL 311
FI-65101 Vaasa