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Shallow coastal ecosystem

Shallow coastal ecosystem

Shallow coastal areas such as archipelagos are important for many species and function, among other things. as carbon-binding primary producers but are at the same time stressed by many human activities. Vegetation-covered soft bottoms occur where sufficient light reaches the bottom. A special form of sensitive coastal ecosystems are bays with a threshold (coastal lagoons or fladas) that are gradually isolated due to land uplift. These nursery habitats are important for the recruitment of common fish species, such as pike and perch and house a diverse species composition of benthic animals. The question of the function of bays as nursery habitats for fish is governed, among other things by the link between fish, vegetation (habitat and protection) and invertebrates (food).

While many plant communities are common and have a widespread distribution along the coast such as the sago pond weed and reed, others are very vulnerable to disturbances, especially stoneworts. To better understand the possibilities for restoration of sensitive and endangered key species habitats is therefore an important research question.

Research on shallow coastal areas’ ecosystems is broad and focuses on coastal waters at the Åland Islands and Husö biological station. In addition to focusing on changes in the diversity and function of key marine habitats and coastal nursery areas, it also studies anadromous fish species such as sea trout, which for their reproduction migrate along watercourses to reach nursery habitats.

Research group and collaborators:

MSc Maité Jaquot (Huvudhandledare, Marie Nordström)

MSc Linus Lähteenmäki

MSc Floriaan Eveleens Maarse

Dr. Atso Romakkaniemi

Dr. Josefin Sagerman

Dr. Sonja Salovius-Laurén

Collaboration with Government of Åland on aquatic research in coastal waters and lakes

Restat-network in Finland (research and development collaboration)


Period Name
2022-2026 Enhancing the marine and coastal biodiversity of the Baltic Sea in Finland and promoting the sustainable use of marine resources (Biodiversea)
2022-2025 Factors affecting migration behaviour and nursery habitat choice in sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) (PI Linus Lähteenmäki)
2014- Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure (FINMARI, network on reserarch infrastructure)


Husö Biological Station

Updated 17.3.2022