Project coordinator
Åbo Akademi
Other partners
Funded by
62 349 euros
Åbo Akademi University’s part of the budget
32 875 euros (53%)
In the project Digital innovation processes (AKKE), funded by the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, ÅAU Experience Lab and the University of Vaasa have investigated experiences of leading innovation and development work online or in hybrid form during the pandemic.
The project included 11 in-depth interviews with key people who lead innovation and development processes in the region, a survey of other resources and literature in the area, and a validation of the results by evaluating ongoing own projects.
Now we can share the results: Checklists in three languages for how to plan, implement and follow up innovation processes and co-creation online or in hybrid form. We hope they can support you in your work, and we would love to receive feedback on them. You can find the checklists here.
Checklista för innovationsprocesser online
Tarkistuslista verkko ja hybridiprosesseihin
Checklist for online and hybrid innovation processes