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Organisation and Management – research

Organisation and Management – research

The research-group in organization and management at Åbo Akademi University study organizations and organizing in critical, creative and innovative ways. We work with classical as well as modern organization theories but rather than taking an interest in the being of organizations, our main focus is on organizational becoming; on organizing, and on how organizational phenomena emerge over time.  Process theories and post human perspectives are thus central to many of us.

Our current projects include studies of empirical phenomena such as entrepreneurship, digitalization, game worlds, creativity & AI, children and animals in companies and organizing, and gender/diversity/inequality within Finish Academia.

In our research we aim at developing alternative perspectives and methods in order to take responsibility for whom and what we study. In other words, we strive at studying actors and activities that traditionally have been understudied or by-passed within organization theory and business studies. We work empirically, often inspired by ethnography, but also with other qualitative research methods, with the purpose of developing organization theory and contribute to theoretical conversations in business studies more generally, as well as in social science and the humanities at large.

Research seminars

Research projects

Updated 5.1.2023