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Monday April 4, 2022

08.30–09.00 Registration
1st floor
09.0009.15 Opening of the conference
Auditorium Bruhn (C201)
09.1510.15 Keynote I: Over 100 years since John Dewey’s Democracy and Education – Where are we with democracy & education now?
Tuukka Tomperi
Auditorium Bruhn (C201)
10.1510.30 Coffee break
The foyer
10.3012.30 Parallel sessions I

I A. Sustainability in social studies teaching
Room E610


I B. Social studies teaching
Room C215

12.30–13.30 Lunch
Konst o. Deli (Kirkkopuistikko 4)
13.30-15.30 Parallel sessions II

II A. Social studies teaching
Room E610


II B. Workshop: Bærekraftsundervisning i en brytningstid?  En analyse av «Ansvarskortene» som en dilemmatreningsøvelse
Room C215

15.30-16.00 Coffee break
The foyer
19.00 Conference dinner at Restaurant Hejm, Sininen tie 1 B
Musical performance by The Haralds.


Tuesday April 5, 2022

09.00–11.00 Parallel sessions III

III A. Democracy education
Room E610


III B. Symposium – Quality in Social Science Teaching (QUISST)
Room C215

11.00–11.30 Information about NOKSA 4
Auditorium Bruhn (C201)
11.30–12.30 Lunch
Konst o. Deli (Kirkkopuistikko 4)
12.30–13.30 Keynote II: Can Games Promote Economic and Financial Education?
Panu Kalmi
Auditorium Bruhn (C201)
13.30–14.00 Coffee break
The foyer
14.00–15.30 Parallel sessions IV

IV A. Citizenship, democracy and critical thinking
Room E610


IV B. Symposium – Quality in Social Science Teaching (QUISST)
Room C215

15.30-16.00 Coffee and mingle
The foyer


Updated 2.4.2022