Lisbeth Fagerström is the new rector for Åbo Akademi in Vaasa
Lisbeth Fagerström, professor in Health Science is appointed rector of Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa. She will be succeeding Göran Djupsund who is retiring.

Lisbeth Fagerström is professor in Health Sciences at Åbo Akademi University and at Sørøst-Norge University College of Southeast Norway. She also has the title of Docent at Örebro University. Fagerström has conducted research actively both nationally, on a Nordic level and internationally. She has extensive experience in both education and leadership at different levels, both from Vaasa Hospital District and Novia University for Applied Science.
The specific task of the rector in Vaasa is to develop the university’s societal relations. The rector’s working time is 30 %. Fagerström’s mandate starts 1 March 2018 and will continue until 31 July 2019, when the period of the university’s rectorate ends. The rector in Vaasa also chairs Åbo Akademi University’s delegation in Vaasa.
– As rector for Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa I have the possibility to develop our faculty, which offers education at Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral level, as well as to contribute to knowledge development through different research projects in Pedagogics and Welfare Studies. Our goal is to be an active cooperative partner for the universities in the region, as well as for the city of Vaasa, nearby municipalities and the social-, health care and educational sectors in the region, says Fagerström.
Contact information:
E-mail: lisbeth.fagerstrom@abo.fi
Phone: +358 50 3204612
+358 6 324 7170