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Gateway to Finland – Finnish for Workforce Integration

Gateway to Finland – Finnish for Workforce Integration

The Talent Boost action programme aims to make Finland an internationally attractive place for work, study and research. The programme also focuses on the integration of international students and researchers in Finland.

The aim of the Language Centre’s Gateway to Finland – Finnish for Workforce Integration project is to develop courses in Finnish for international degree students at Åbo Akademi University. The courses provide students with the skills in oral and written Finnish that are required in Finnish working life and thus promote student integration. The courses also increase students’ cultural awareness of Finnish working life.

As part of the project in 2022, a digital pedagogical game was produced and integrated into the course Finnish 3.

During 2024, a placement test and a course, Finnish 4, will be offered. Language cafés in Swedish and Finnish will be offered in Turku and Vaasa.

The Gateway to Finland project is part of Åbo Akademi University’s Talent Boost programme.

Updated 7.11.2023