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Graduation ceremony

Congratulations – your degree is worth celebrating! Your faculty arranges a graduation ceremony in the end of each academic term for students who receive their degree during the term.

Graduation ceremonies spring term 2024:

  • Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies (FPV), Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, and Law (FSEJ), and Faculty of Science and Engineering (FNT) in Vaasa 18.6.2024 at 14:00 in Academill, Strandgatan 2 [Registration]
  • Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology (FHPT) 18.6.2024 at 16:00 in Arken, Fabriksgatan 2, Turku,  [Registration]

Graduation ceremonies spring term 2023:

  • Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology in Aurum, Henriksgatan 2, [More information]
  • Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, and Law (FSEJ) 19.6.2023 at 14:00 in Turku, the ASA-building, Fänriksgatan 3 [Registration]


You can register for the graduation ceremony

  • if you have received your degree earlier during the term
  • you have filled in the application to receive your degree and the personnel at the faculty office have estimated that it is realistic for you to get your degree certificate at the latest on the day of the graduation ceremony.

Please contact your faculty office if you are unsure of whether or not you can attend.

Please note that a registration to the graduation ceremony is not an application for your degree certificate. To apply for your degree certificate you need to be in contact with the personnel at your faculty office and within given deadlines hand in the Application for degree certificate.


Come along and celebrate your students’ graduation. All members of staff at Åbo Akademi University are welcome to participate in the graduation ceremony. No registration is required.

Updated 8.4.2024