Exploring Language Education
Breaking Boundaries for Language Education
Conference May 21-23, 2024 at Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa
Please find the keynote presentations here!
The international conference Exploring Language Education (ELE) will be held at Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa, Finland during May 21–23, 2024.
The ELE conference opens up for a broad definition of language education, aiming to bring together scholars working in different areas of the field (in terms of first, second, or additional languages with learners of all ages).
The theme of the conference, Breaking Boundaries for Language Education, aims at exploring language education from a variety of perspectives, embracing ELE’s broad definition of language education. We welcome contributions related to the theme of the conference, but contributions with general relevance to the research field are also welcome.
Themes may include:
- Breaking methodological and theoretical boundaries
- Communicative competence and assessment
- Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic approaches
- Emotion and engagement
- Aesthetics and literacy
- Sustainable language education and contemporary power structures in the language classroom
- Language teaching in bi-and multilingual education
- Language aware and cross-curricular teaching
Presentations will be in English or one of the Scandinavian languages. We welcome individual papers as well as symposia.