Call for abstracts
We would like to inform you that the deadline for submitting abstracts for the ELE conference, originally scheduled for the 15th of January 2023, has been extended to the 2nd of February. We would like to extend a thank you to everyone who has submitted their abstracts so far!
You are welcome to present your research at the conference either in the form of a paper presentation or as a symposium. Each person can contribute up to two presentations. Language of presentation can be English or any of the Scandinavian languages. Please note that all proposals should be in Word format. For further requirements, please see below:
Paper presentation
30 minutes in total: 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Abstract requirements for paper presentations:
- Abstracts should be written in the language of the presentation: English or any of the Scandinavian languages
- 300 words (not including references)
- Name and affiliation of presenter(s)
- Informative title
- Background for the study, aims, method and (expected) results
- References (3–5)
- 1–3 keywords (to classify the abstracts)
90 minutes in total. Symposia build on a specific theme and are organised by individuals who recruit speakers to present papers. In addition, the session often includes one or more invited discussants. The person organising the symposium is responsible for sending in the proposal containing all the abstracts (stating Symposium as subject of message).
Symposia are typically organised as follows: (1) Introduction, (2) three or four individual presentations, (3) discussion. The symposium organiser will be the chair of the symposium unless other information is provided in the proposal. The congress organisers decide how many symposia are feasible at the congress.
Proposal requirements for symposia sessions:
- Proposals should be written in the language of the presentation: English or any of the Scandinavian languages
- Name and affiliation of organiser
- Informative title
- An introductory abstract of 300 words describing the entire symposium
- Individual abstracts for each presentation following the same abstract guidelines as for regular presentations (to be collected and sent in by the organiser).
Abstracts and symposia proposals should be submitted by February 2, 2024 to
For further information contact Carina Österåker,