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Responsibility for quality work

Responsibility for quality work

The Åbo Akademi University Board has the ultimate responsibility for the university’s operations and quality.

The remit of the Rector is to diligently promote the interests of Åbo Akademi University, to head the operations, and to be responsible for the economical, efficient and effective discharge of the university mission. The Vice-rectors assist the Rector in the overall strategic work.

The remit of the Faculty Board is to oversee quality control and quality development within the faculty. The Dean is responsible for faculty development and implementation of Åbo Akademi University’s strategy within the faculty, and for the academic and financial performance of the faculty.

The Chief Librarian is responsible for leading and developing Åbo Akademi University’s library services.

The Director of the Centre of Lifelong Learning is responsible for leading and developing education and projects for continuous learning.

The Director of University Services, the Financial Director and the General Counsel are responsible for the administrative support and for developing adequate and transparent administrative processes to support all operations, efficiency, economic sustainability and legal requirements at Åbo Akademi University. The Director of University Services leads the unit for quality management and teaching and learning support.

All appointed groups and all leaders with decision-making responsibility are responsible for quality and quality processes within their area. All employees are responsible for maintaining and developing the quality of their own operations.

Quality-assuring activities and the responsibility of individual actors in our processes are defined in our governing documents, regulations, process descriptions and assignment descriptions.



Updated 9.2.2022