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Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) process is a tool of the European Commission to help institutions of higher education and research develop their activities in line with the principles in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code). The Charter & Code consist of 40 fundamental principles supporting the creation of attractive research careers and favourable working conditions for researchers throughout Europe. The principles are organized under four thematic headings:

  • Ethical and Professional Aspects
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Working Conditions and Social Security
  • Training and Development

In December 2020, Åbo Akademi University was awarded the HR Excellence in Research Award. By implementing the Charter & Code, we aim at developing and maintaining a stimulating working environment for researchers to ensure motivated, highly qualified and skilled human resources in research and innovation.


The Åbo Akademi University Strategy is a roadmap that sets the directions for the activities carried out at Åbo Akademi University. The Strategy 2021-2030 defines four specific focus areas:

1) Gateway to Finland for the Nordic countries
2) Academic quality
3) Open, inspiring campuses
4) Working place of the future.

The directions and goals are well in line with the Charter & Code. Openness, transparency, sustainability and quality in all activities are highlighted throughout the Strategy. Åbo Akademi University aims at being a community that enhances the development and well-being of all its members:

“Åbo Akademi University will be an international workplace that recognises and utilises the knowledge and competences of the staff and students; an open environment where everyone can feel proud of the high standard of pedagogical and scientific discourse. Åbo Akademi University will be characterised by global responsibility and good leadership, smooth processes and well-functioning support systems for the activities of the university and the well-being of all individuals. Within Åbo Akademi University, equality, non-discrimination, inclusion, health, career paths, flexibility and responsibility are self-evident aspects of the dynamic environment for studies and work.”

HR Strategy for Researchers at Åbo Akademi University

The HR Excellence in Research Award is a recognition of the commitment of ÅAU to develop the working conditions and recruitment processes for researchers.

During the initial phase of the process, researchers and administrators have been engaged in analysing how the principles in the Charter & Code are currently implemented at Åbo Akademi University through regulations, steering documents and current practice. Based on the analysis, an Action Plan according to the the HRS4R template has been designed to address shortcomings and develop the activities related to researchers’ working conditions and recruitment.

HRS4R Action Plan for Åbo Akademi University for 2021-2022

The HRS4R process will be implemented according to the scheme below:


Further information:




Updated 4.11.2022