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Youth Research (Minor subject)

Youth Research (Minor subject)

Minor subject – Youth Research

Youth Research is a interdisciplinary study module that deals with youth and issues related to young people from the perspectives of the social sciences, health sciences and education. Youth Research provides knowledge on youth in today’s society and how to improve their living conditions.

As a topical and dynamic area with labour-market relevance, Youth Research is a good choice to include as a minor subject in your degree. The subject is particularly suited for students with a major subject in social sciences, education and health sciences.  Youth Research at Åbo Akademi University is the only study module in this area available in Swedish in Finland.

You can choose to study Youth Research either as a short minor (25 cr) or long minor subject (60 cr). You can find more information on the courses in the Student Handbook.

Research in Youth Research at Åbo Akademi University aims to promote the health and welfare of young people by providing knowledge on their living conditions, with a special focus on Finland Swedish youth, youth in Ostrobothnia, youth within the Botnia Region, and youth in the Nordic countries.

The set goals will be achieved by compiling and maintaining databases and disseminating information concerning the living conditions of youth through publications, education, counselling, seminars and presentations in municipalities, as well as by developing and establishing methods that will promote health and well-being among youth.

Research conducted within Youth Research at Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa is multidisciplinary and specialised in, for example, the following areas:  child and youth policies, young people at school and in leisure, youth inclusion and participation, health, conflict management as well as ethnic identity and ethnic relations.

Åbo Akademi University is a consortium member of the Center of expertise NUOSKA – Youth work at schools and educational institutions, read more on the research environment at the Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies on this page.


Visiting address

Rantakatu 2


Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa
Youth Research
PL 311
FI-65101 Vaasa