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Nordic Folkloristics

Nordic Folkloristics

Major subject – Nordic Folkloristics

Various forms of expression, such as narratives, fables, rites and myths, signify the important aspects of our existence. Folklore comprises a wide range of expressions from fables, mythical animals and folk costumes to football fan culture, freshmen initiation, political mockery or hate speech in social media and weddings.  Nordic Folkloristics covers the study of traditions that spread from mouth to mouth or informally, thereby enriching our lives. Students of Nordic Folkloristics will learn about everyday culture in the Nordic countries both from a contemporary and historical perspective. You will also learn to understand the norms prevailing in our society and identify cultural patterns in our environment. The study of folklore starts from individuals, their valuations, worldviews and ways of expression.

If you’ve earned a Bachelor’s degree in cultural analysis with a specialisation in Ethnology or Folkloristics, you can choose Nordic Folkloristics as your major subject at the Master’s level. In addition to advanced courses in Folkloristics, your studies will also include practical training, either at the folkloristic archives (Cultura) or some other archive, museum or cultural institution. During your Master’s studies, you can continue studies in your prior minor subjects included, choose a new short minor subject or take individual courses as elective studies.

Within Nordic Folkloristics, research is conducted in a number of different areas:

  • Narrative
  • Migration and minority
  • Biographical narrative
  • Folk religiousity and folk belief
  • Identity
  • Cultural heritage
  • Intersectionality
  • Ancient folklore
  • Fantasy and popular culture
  • Political folklore
  • Live role playing and narrative
  • Tourism


Visiting address

Tehtaankatu 2



+358 2 215 31