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Doctoral Network: Molecular Biosciences (MolBio)

The purpose of the Turku Doctoral Network in Molecular Biosciences (MolBio) at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) is to provide training and education leading to a successful doctoral degree in cell and molecular biosciences, including cross-disciplinary areas. Important aspects in the training are: a broad course curriculum, access to state-of-the-art research infrastructure, training in cutting-edge technologies, and active engagement in student well-being.

MolBio belongs to the joint umbrella organisation Turku BioNet of BioCity Turku, including eight doctoral programmes. This organisation adds a substantial critical mass to graduate student training, providing the participating students with a much larger and far-reaching social network to interact within than if they had only remained in their own programme. Turku BioNet organises joint lectures, practical courses and special seminars without undermining the specific roles of individual doctoral programmes.

Chair: Professor John E. Eriksson

Vice-chair: Professor Kid Törnquist

Updated 10.2.2022