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Vaasa InnoCare – digital innovations in welfare technology

Vaasa InnoCare – digital innovations in welfare technology



Project coordinator

Åbo Akademi

Project partners

  • Vaasa Central Hospital
  • City of Vaasa
  • Folkhälsan
  • Vamia
  • Other partners

  • Novia University of Applied Sciences
  • Funded by

  • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and participating partners
  • Budget

    159 436 euros

    The aim of the project is to create a regional innovation environment concerning digital technology for the healthcare sector in Ostrobothnia. Its three main activities/work packages focus on a co-creative model for actors in the field and application design for digital technologies. The project has developed, tested, and evaluated innovative, human-centered applications for health robotics and Virtual Reality (VR). The project strives to design ethical and meaningful applications for the two different digital technologies. The development of the applications has involved different stakeholders, resulting in a co-creative process. The project has had access to two development environments (Åbo Akademi/Experience Lab, Novia/Campus Alere), as well as piloting points at the premises of care providers Vaasa Central Hospital, the City of Vaasa and Folkhälsan. The co-creative model being developed is built on networks of continuous collaborations between researchers, teachers, healthcare professionals and patients/clients.

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    Contact us

    Susanne Hägglund

    Research Project Coordinator 

    Experience Lab

    Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies
    To the project website