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The theme network Habitability

The theme network Habitability



Other partners

  • Leader Aktion Österbotten
  • I samma båt – Samassa veneessä rf ry
  • Nouseva rannikkoseutu
  • SavonLuotsi Leader ry
  • Pomoväst
  • Päijänne Leader
  • Leader Sepra ry
  • Kehittämisyhdistys SILMU ry
  • Varsin Hyvä ry
  • Veej´jakaja ry
  • Ykkösakseli ry
  • Finlands Öar rf – Suomen saaret ry
  • Funded by

  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
  • Leader Aktion Österbotten (13 st leadergrupper deltar i finansieringen)
  • Budget

    248 488 euros

    Åbo Akademi University’s part of the budget

    198 000 euros (80%)

    The Archipelago Institute at Åbo Akademi University (Skärgårdsinstitutet vid Åbo Akademi) has been granted funding for the thematic network Habitability for 2022–2023. The funding was granted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment through the The Regional Council of Southwest Finland.

    Partners in the thematic network are 12 Leader groups with archipelago areas, as well as the National Association of Finnish Islands. The project also works in close collaboration with the national Island policy Committee.

    The Habitability theme network will:

    use the concept of habitability as a tool to strengthen archipelago communities and, in the long run, increase the islands’ attractiveness and immigration potential.
    lay the foundations for a well functioning, nationwide network at grassroots level.
    Within the thematic network, the Archipelago Institute arranges training, workshops and meetings on habitability in the participating archipelago areas.

    The theme network is bilingual (Swedish/Finnish) and works as a bridge between the different language areas in Finland.

    Contact us

    Pia Prost


    Centre for Lifelong Learning

    Cecilia Lundberg

    Education Planner 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning

    Mia Henriksson

    Communications Specialist 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning

    Annina Kainu

    Education Planner 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning
    To the project page in the research portal of Åbo Akademi University